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RE: What is the origin of the Trinity?

in #religion9 years ago

Babylon was a trade city. India is a pretty isolated place but trade does leave there in ancient times. The gypsies black, black hair comes from genetic ties with India, and the large amount of scarves comparative to Sari use in India, a culture that was passed on yet not kept completely in tact, I'm thinking. And with the Gospel of Thomas from the Dead Sea Scrolls came quite a Buddhist view of things that made historians start wondering if the 13 years Jesus is just walking and wandering, undocumented in the Bible, was he visiting India and getting spiritually trained there. His ideas are similar to Buddhist and Indian ascetic thinking.


The 13 years undocumented? Are you referring to his childhood? During the time after leaving Egypt, he lived in Nazareth seeing as he was called "the Nazarene".

You idea on India and Babylon is sound and completely possible. Usually something bigger contributes to adopting religious view but I'm not saying what you said isn't possible. I'll accept it