God prepares you before blessing you!

in #religion7 years ago

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As the title says, God Himself prepares and trains us before giving us a blessing, God Himself is urged to bless us, to pour out of His blessings upon our lives since He becomes our Father when we receive Him in our lives

John 1: 12 But to all those who received him, to those who believe in his name, he gave them the right to become children of God;

And he loves us, and as a good father he only knows how to give good things to his children, our Lord Jesus said. the following way

Matthew 7:11
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him?

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Now let's see a practical example of God guiding the purpose of our Lord Jesus to be born on earth, for this we analyze a little the context of the birth of Jesus. When the king of the time was born in Bethlehem, Herod was a very controversial character, since Rome gave him the title of "King of the Jews" but the people did not accept him because he was not of David's lineage and being half Jewish since his father He was an Edomite raised by Jews, even though Israel benefited from his enormous efforts in repairing the temple in Jerusalem he was not forgiven for also being a refactionary of pagan temples of the time, which showed that his loyalty was only for himself and he acted in accordance to your own interests. When considering these things they kept Herod in an excessive state of nervousness and fear of not losing office and we noticed these characteristics when he heard that the magi sought the new king

Matthew 2: 2-3 2 saying: Where is the king of the Jews, who was born? Because his star we have seen in the east, and we come to worship him. 3 Hearing this, King Herod was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Immediately wanted to locate and kill the child before it caused problems, we see in this action as acting selfishly on his part caused a tragedy his same fear led to self-destruction.

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Already knowing a little more about history we will see how God began the preparation of Jesus that made him spend a season in a different place to his birth however before taking him to that place we see how God used these same people (the Magi through of which Herod heard that a new King had been born) to prepare Joseph and Mary to depart and thus save the life of our Lord.

Matthew 2:11 And when they entered the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they fell down and worshiped him; and opening their treasures, they offered him presents: gold, incense and myrrh.

We will see the importance and relevance of these present in the life of Jesus because after this happens, Joseph receives an instruction through a revelation in a dream.

Matthew 2: 13 After they departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said: Get up and take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; because it will happen that Herod will seek the child to kill him.

We see how Joseph had a life guided by obedience to God, since without any objection he took his wife and child and left at night in Egypt. We see this in verse 14 of the same chapter.

Matthew 2:14 And he, waking up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt,

If we propose the flight of it to Egypt it would not be altogether far-fetched since in Egypt at that time there were still Jewish colonies from the time of the great captivity, however for Joseph and Mary this would be a great challenge since they did not know the culture, nobody knew them and they were of humble condition they would have to face great challenges not only of coexistence but also doubts that they were going to keep in that place or what jobs they would do to make a living however we see how God had everything predestined and is there When those doubts appear, where the presents received just before receiving the order to leave for Egypt make sense and that even if the Bible does not refer to them, these presents would have some economic value for them. God had everything under his eternal purpose and that is why that these presents arrive to them just before leaving. We see in this how God in our lives leaves nothing for later, everything comes at its perfect moment and everything helps to fulfill the purpose of God in our lives either for teaching or for us to teach others all the things that happen in our lives. lives are part of the preparation that we as children of God should have.

The blessings of God are not late, they arrive at the right time they should arrive and this is that if we try to advance the times of God we can die not only spiritually but also physically, that is why it is important to understand what is the good and pleasant will of God. God for us and not walking out of his will in our lives because if there are things in our lives that do not please God, then he will take them away in order to give us the tools and blessings that he predestined for us, God always he arrives on time his will is perfect and pleasant and the blessings of God come for peace in our lives, we see how after leaving Joseph, Mary with the child Egypt unleashed a death toll of children in Bethlehem however they were at peace and under the blessing of God to be subject to his will in obedience without excuses or objections, that God wants of us absolute and meticulous obedience without questioning anything since it is one of the ores who will determine that their blessings arrive on time for us.

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