Daily Scripture

in #religion6 years ago

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Today I would like to look at Psalm 31 verse 1 to 5

A Prayer of Trust in God

1)I come to you, LORD, for protection;
never let me be defeated.
You are a righteous God;
save me, I pray!
2)Hear me! Save me now!
Be my refuge to protect me;
my defence to save me.
3)You are my refuge and defense;
guide me and lead me as you have promised.
4)Keep me safe from the trap that has been set for me;
shelter me from danger.
5)I place myself in your care.
You will save me, LORD;
you are a faithful God.

This is a prayer of king David. He puts his full trust in God, he goes to God in his time of need, and he knows that God will shelter him and protect him. We must also put our full trust in God.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

May God Bless you.
Soli Deo Gloria


Amen. In times of need, the more we cannot afford not to trust Him.

God save us and take your underneath, amen.

The verse nicely explained! God bless you and your family for this effort!


I like this beautiful verse. God bless you @rynow.

Amen, I agree!!

God is our only saviour. May God protect us

Friend, how are you? it is a very deep prayer
Venezuela has flat confidence in God

We must keep on praying for Venezuela.

We should always put our Trust in the Lord no matter what! Thanks for sharing this!
May God bless you and may you have a wonderful day!

God will always listen when we call out of a need for honest help:)