in #religion7 years ago (edited)


“The word ‘Bible’ comes from the Greek biblion meaning ‘the book’, the plural is ta biblia ‘the books’. In the Greek the word is a neuter, but later on, the word biblia was taken for a feminine singular, ‘the book’. Taken in this sense, it refers to all the books of both Testaments. The Bible is the Book par excellence.” (Origin, Interpretation, and History of the Bible, The New American Bible, p.xvi, 1970, 1981 by Devore and Sons, Inc., Imprimatur: Patrick Cardinal O’Boyle, Archbishop of Washington, July 27, 1970)


Image from pixabay

The Latin word “Biblia” came from the Greek word “biblia”.
Biblia came from the word byblos (papyrus). (cf. Webster’s New World Dictionary of American English, p.135, © 1994 by Simon and Schuster, Inc.)

||Papyrus plants

“The English word "papyrus" derives, via Latin, from Greek πάπυρος (papyros), a loanword of unknown (perhaps Pre-Greek) origin. Greek has a second word for it, βύβλος (Byblos, said to derive from the name of the Phoenician city of Byblos). The Greek writer Theophrastus, who flourished during the 4th century BCE, uses papyros when referring to the plant used as a foodstuff and byblos for the same plant when used for nonfood products, such as cordage, basketry, or writing surfaces. The more specific term βίβλος biblos, which finds its way into English in such words as 'bibliography', 'bibliophile', and 'bible', refers to the inner bark of the papyrus plant. Papyrus is also the etymon of 'paper', a similar substance.” (Wikipedia, Source)

Papyrus plant Cyperus papyrus at Kew Gardens, London.jpg
|| Papyrus plant in London

From Byblos/papyrus, ancient paper was made. And from these ancient paper books were made. The Greeks called this one book biblion. If they referred to many books, they call it Biblia.

So, from “byblos” (papyrus) the ancient Greeks made a “biblion” (book) and if they make many books they call these “ta biblia” (books). This is where the word Biblia came from. The word Biblia cannot be found in the Bible itself.

We can read the words “Sacred Scriptures” in the Bible. “And because from thy infancy thou hast known the HOLY SCRIPTURES, which can instruct thee to salvation, by the faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Tim.3:15, emphasis mine).


What is the Bible?
Bible is a book.

What kind of book is the Bible?

Bible is a holy book.

Why Bible is a holy book?

Bible is a holy book becase it is the Word of God.

Who taught us that Bible is the Word of God?

The Catholic Church taught us that the Bible is the Word of God. “The Bible is the written word of God, committed to his Church for the instruction and sanctification of mankind.” (The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism by Fr. Bennet Kelly, C.P., p.17, Imprimatur: Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, ©1969-1962 Catholic Book Publishing Co., N.Y. )

How is Bible defined by the Church?

Bible is “the Word of God written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and contained in the books of the Old and New Testaments.” (My Catholic Faith by Bishop Louise LaRavoire Morrow, S.T.D., p.16)


The Bible is a unique book. This is a special book because it is holy.
Bible is the only:

  1. Most Translated Book
  2. Most Studied Book
  3. Most Venerated Book
  4. Best Seller Book of All times
  5. Most Influential Book that Converted the Worst Sinners

(1) Most Translated Book

The Bible is the most translated book. It was translated into many languages from the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. The Old and New Testament (whole Bible) was translated and printed into not less than 300 languages. The New Testament alone was translated into more than 630 languages. Aside from this, there are other portions of the Bible such as the Book of Psalms, the Gospels and other books which were already translated into not less than 1,000 languages. There is no other book in the world which was translated into so many languages like the Bible.

(2) Most Studied Book

The Bible is the most-studied book. Every year, not less than 10,000 books and articles about the Bible were printed by experts of the Sacred Scriptures. Why? It is because the Bible is full of meanings. Its original meaning can be more understood and its relation to everyone’s life situation is very deep.

(3) Most Venerated Book

The Bible is the most venerated book of all, especially in the History of the Church. In Solemn Masses, the Bible is venerated by placing candles beside it and it is also incensed. The Bible is also venerated in government offices such as in Judicial Courts. Those who take the witnessed stand are made to swear an oath to say nothing but the truth while hand is placed on the Bible. This practice is also done during Oath of Office made by mayors, lawyers, doctors, etc.

(4) Best Seller Book of All times

Nowadays, in bookstores, Bible is the number one in the list of books which are sold in great copies. This did not just happen here in the Philippines but also in countries of the whole world where there are Christians. Although, the Philippine Bible Society is very busy in printing so many books everyday, their printed Bibles cannot supply the high demands for copies of Bible.

(5) Most Influential Book that Converted the Worst Sinners

Most of all, the Bible had converted the worst sinners in the world. It changed the lives of saints from sinfulness into life of holiness such as St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Augustine and many others. The Bible had produced many saints. It made people live holy lives. It also changed History in the Past and has influence in our current events.

Who wrote the Bible?

God is the Author of the Bible. He wrote it through holy men of the Old and New Testaments.
“When we say that the Bible is inspired we mean that its principal author is God though it was written by men whom God enlightened and moved to write all those things, and only those things, that He wished to be written.” (The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism by Fr. Bennet Kelly, C.P., p.17-18, Imprimatur: Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, ©1969-1962 Catholic Book Publishing Co., N.Y. )


Is Bible the Word of God?
Yes, Bible is the Word of God.

Is Christ the Word of God?
Yes, Christ is the Word of God.

Is Sacred Tradition the Word of God?
Yes, Tradition is the Word of God.

Which among the 3 is the true Word of God?
These 3 are the true Word of God:

(1) Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Incarnated Word of God. (Jn.1:1,14)
(2) Tradition is the unwritten Word of God.
(3) Bible is the written Word of God.

[You can read HOLY BIBLE (Part 2) here . ]

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Thank you for this post. I will be following you to learn more about the holy word of God.