The 5 most feared demons of religions

in #religion7 years ago

5- Aka Manah: Religion del Zoroastrisismo.

This prevents people from railing good deeds. It fills us with fear to defend noble causes or people at risk, of greed that does not allow us to share. He is responsible for the apathy and complicity in all of us.

4- Abyzou: Jewish religion-it's feminine.

It is responsible for every abortion that happens in the world, including infant mortality.

3- Belfegor: Christian origin and cabala.

He is known as the god of laziness, laziness or laziness.

It is associated with all types of morbid and amoral, retired and perverse sexual behaviors. Sow distrust and paranoia in all beings, can destroy entire families or simply drive them crazy.

2- Lamashtu: Mesopotamian origin.

 Pretty much like the top 4, but much worse.

Causes nightmares and torments all pregnant women, is responsible for all childhood diseases and suffering.

It infects rivers and lakes with terrible diseases and plagues as well as crops and crops just to cause famine.

He is responsible for all the pandemics of the world.

It is said that people invoked other demons to be rescued from it.

1- Abadon: Biblical origin

 He is the king of the bottomless abyss and retains the soul of the fallen.
San Juan called it the algel of death, causing total destruction.
He is the leader of the apocalypse and commander of a locust plague.
He is the end of the world, the end of time


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