We are still bound by our beliefs!!!

in #religion7 years ago

We, as a people, still haven't acknowledged and removed the main tools our oppressors used to capture and enslave us. Until we are at a place where we are able to TRULY think for ourselves without any influence from our oppressors, we will never be FREE...

These are just some thoughts I'm having as I sit on my lunch break reading Elijah Muhammad's Message to the BlackMan in America. He talks about us letting go of our Slave Master's Names and how we submit to our oppression every time we introduce ourselves with these labels that were given to us. He is promoting the Nation of Islam as an alternative to Christian Slavery, but if you aren't looking at both with an Afrakan Consciousness, they both will only further indoctrinate you into further misguided beliefs... While there are some jewels in Islam, just as there are some jewels in Christianity, we have to go back to the source of what inspired these religions in order to find OUR divine spirituality. Professor James Small frequently says that "The Monotheistic Religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) are nothing but mere fragments from the periphery of Afrakan Spirituality." Until we go back to our Afrakan Spirituality, every thing we adopt as belief will only further confuse us...

We are our own saviors! We are the one that we have been waiting for! Nothing is going to change in the world if it doesn't change within ourselves first... 

Know ThySelf... and the Truth shall set you Free!