Rabid "Christians", Iranian Missiles & Right-Wing Snowflakes

in #religion5 years ago

Just posting my rants from Facebook over here. They're all responses to the plague of "Christians" cheerleading for war with Iran, saying the US must protect Israel, etc. I've also included several related posts. Enjoy!

Surely America is God's special place?
Wrong! Your idol of America is less than nothing to God:
"Behold, the nations are as a drop in a bucket,
And are counted as the small dust on the scales;
Look, He lifts up the isles as a very little thing.
And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn,
Nor its beasts sufficient for a burnt offering.
All nations before Him are as nothing
And they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless."

Replacement Theology
A grossly incorrect understanding of both the Tanakh (or "Old Testament") and the New Testament in which people believe Christianity REPLACED the Biblical nation of Israel (distinct from the modern secular state of Israel).
This thinking has further resulted in many very destructive systems and beliefs. The first was the Roman Religion (Catholicism) with its versions of Jewish priests, temples, holy items, etc. The second was the [American] Protestant belief that the US is somehow ordained by God. The British also had their own version, but not quite to the same extent.
Interestingly, but not surprisingly, both are or were in their respective pasts quite fond of war, mingling their dogmas with the state, inquisitions and witch hunts, and so on.

The concept, known in both Judaism and the "early church" (pre-Catholic), that the Bible is divided into a number of "dispensations", each written to and for a certain group of people living during a certain time period.
The Tanakh has several dispensations, including the first to Adam, Eve, and their children, another to Noah and his children, another to Moses and the Israelites fleeing Egypt, etc.
A large portion of the New Testament is actually closer to the Old Testament and is addressed primarily to Jews living at the time. This includes most of Jesus' teachings and time on Earth. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, that dispensation ended and another (for the Gentiles) began. This is one reason the Gentiles and Christians are not under The Law (the other being the sacrifice of Jesus).
The problem with many "Christians" today, especially in the US, is they don't understand dispensations or outright refuse the concept. This leads them to believing in things like Replacement Theology, the US is some special place ordained by God, that militarism is the Christian way, and that Mur-ca must protect Israel.

We see in both the Tanakh and New Testament that God will indeed protect a new nation of Israel. However, God won't be doing it for the sake of Jews, but to keep his promise and to uphold his Name. He will do it for His OWN sake, as the Jews will not be worthy of His protection (just look at the secular state of Israel as well as Zionists today).
Additionally, God won't be needing help from Christians here in the US or elsewhere to defend a new Israel. In fact, according to the New Testament, the Christians will already be gone, raptured to heaven. The only Christians left will be those who claim Christianity but whom Jesus does not know....the same "Christians" who have zero faith and zero knowledge of the Tanakh and New Testament, and as a result think the US must defend Israel.
The simple fact, found in both the Tanakh and New Testament, is that Israel and Jews will be attacked and slaughtered once again in the future. If we go by the New Testament, those doing the slaughtering will be doing it in the name of God and Jesus, but in reality be of Satan. A big lie, getting all the people who thought and/or claimed they were Christians to think Satan incarnate is Jesus returned.

Christians are told in Romans (and elsewhere) to obey govt? Yes, this is true, but only half the story.
To sum it up, obedience is massively different than reverence and idolatry.
There's a big difference between obeying government when it orders you go to war for it, and voluntarily doing so. Even larger difference between obeying laws and placing the govt and its symbols, politicians, etc into a place of reverence (or rather, outright idolatry). In any case, the New Testament tells Christians to obey laws, as long as doing so does not cause them to sin. Taken with other passages about the same subject, Romans 1-7 simply tells Christians to deal with govt laws for several reasons, including the fact that purpose of Christianity isn't as a system of govt. This of course, went out the window in a practical sense once Rome adopted "Christianity" as the state religion, but that didn't change the original teachings.

Republicans say they hate socialism, and always complain about socialists wanting socialism, but not wanting to pay to fund said socialism (socialism for thee, but not me). This is a very correct observation.
However, tonight we see all over media Republicans who supposedly hate socialism advocating for more military spending and waging war. The military is just another socialist program and fits the definition perfectly, exactly like the various welfare programs Republicans always complain the Democrats support.
Add to this, we see Republicans cheering for war, yet refusing to sign up to fight in said war, or, if they are now too old, never having signed up in the past (war for thee, but not me).
Socialists! Socialist hypocrites everywhere!

This Iran thing has really brought all the right-wing snowflakes and right-wing SJW types out of the woodwork across social and traditional media. Very funny to see.
There is little fundamental difference between the left- and right wing snowflakes/SJWs. All you need to do to switch between the two is just change the sacred cows, protected classes, "evil" people, etc.
It's a lot like changing the data a computer program operates on, but leaving the program essentially the same.

"....defending our way of life...."
If "our [American] way of life" includes:
*Killing the unborn
*Conducting mass surveillance without warrants
*Imprisoning people whose "crimes" have no victims
*The insanity of more than two genders
*Lionizing entertainers, athletes, and other celebs
*Printing endless amounts of currency
*High taxes
*DUI checkpoints
*Drug "wars"
...to name a very few....
that might be YOUR way of life you POS, but it's not MY way of life.


According to the Bible, What does the Bible say about changing religions? (Part 1 of 3)

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