Archery, Entertainment That Delivers to Jannah

in #religion7 years ago


Archery, Entertainment That Delivers to Jannah

Practicing archery is a fun sport, an exciting game, but not in laghwun and in vain. Lots of motivation of the Prophet SAW to his people to learn archery. Desirable, the Prophet's words look,

"Allah will put three men into jannah for an arrow, a man of goodwill, one who is full, and one who is prepared, and you shall shoot and ride, while my archery will be more than horseback." (Tirmidhi, say, hadith hasan shahih)
There is a reward for the arrows made, there is a reward for the arrows, and promised Jannah the one who is ready to shoot arrows who want to shoot, and it is not in vain that people walk to take arrows from the target site during practice. This is the irreplaceable side of the primacy of archery, in many ways the arrow functions can be replaced with modern weapons.

So strong was the Prophet SAW's suggestion to his people to learn archery, to the extent of special waivers applicable to the archers. One day the Prophet along with Abu Bakr and Umar passed the people who practiced archery. One who wanted to release an arrow said, "By Allah, this must be!" Apparently the arrow missed. Then Abu Bakr said, "He has committed sins, O Messenger of Allah!" But the Messenger of Allah said,

"The oath of the man who is practicing the archery can not be laghwun, no sin and no kafarahnya." (HR Thabrani)

Even walking someone to take arrows, from the archery with the goal of a good effect on each step, the seed of the hadith of Thabrani. This does not apply in other games. From the entertainment side, the game is also entertaining, and there may be some joking spice in it. Imam al-Auza'y mentions the testimony of Bilal ibn Sa'ad about his companions who want to see, "I met a people, they paced between arches with targets, they joked with each other, but at nightfall, they were solemn like monks. "
Unfortunately, few of the Muslims glance at this fun and rewarding game, few of the preachers and writers are concerned about the matter.

Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyah, is one of the scholars who have great concern about him. In his book entitled Al-Furusiyah, he not only provides motivation, discusses related laws, even to the technical matter of his sitting, how to hold the bow, pull the rope, aim it, and how to remove the arrow from his bow.

Practice Riding a Horse
Hardly anyone argues, learning to ride a horse is a fun entertainment. More exciting, it turns out this sport to bring rewards. In many hadith the Prophet SAW also gave encouragement to his people to train his horse, practice riding horses, to race races often held in the time of the Prophet SAW. Although it can be, some can be replaced with modern transportation, but there is a side that can not be replaced. Prophet SAW mention the virtue of horse vehicles, Allah has set on the crown of the horse there is good until the Day of Judgment, the gift by the Prophet SAW,

"On the crown of the horse it has been appointed good, until the Day of Judgment." (Bukhari)
Too ridiculous if mengqiyaskan horse in this hadith with vehicles that exist in this era.

Sunnah Prophet SAW this one is also much left by the Muslims today. Feel in it there is obedience, there i'dad, ready strength, and wake up there is also a fun entertainment.

Joking with Wife

If the household is running normal and harmonious, the joke between husband and wife is a fun entertainment. Not only the heart becomes peaceful and peaceful, but also lust that is channeled in a halal place. Increasingly complete happiness, because it is incorporated as a sadaqah. Until someone once asked the Prophet SAW,

"Did any of us produce a reward, did he wreak his lust?"

So the Prophet SAW replied,

"What do you think if the lust is channeled to a haram, does not he get a sin? That's if he distributed in a halal place, then he's a reward." (Muslim)
May God make our tendency to obedience, and to keep away from wasted and sinful things. Amin. Share

(Ustadz Abu Umar Abdillah)