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RE: What is the origin of the Trinity?

in #religion9 years ago

Your evidence suggests that a trinity is a consistent theme that is mysteriously discarded by the bible without any justification. How do you get from there that the trinity is a bad thing?


This is all based on the belief that the bible is the only inspired word of God. If your opinion differs from that then this article lacks a foundation for you to agree.

First ... Wow! That's a pretty important thing to leave out! But even so, your argument is still wrong.

The Bible doesn't say that wine coolers contain alcohol, but they do. So the absence of a claim in the Bible doesn't mean it's false.

And even those who believe the bible is the only inspired word of God believe that passages have to be interpreted, often in ways that contradict what they explicitly say. For example, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent." And "Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel." I hope you don't argue that those things mean precisely what they say and are binding on all who believe the bible is the inspired word of God.

The evidence still suggests that other sources make the trinity a consistent theme and the bible does not provide any explicit or clear rejection of this theme such that it would be reasonable to interpret it as explicitly rejecting the theme.

The bible does disprove the Trinity. Jesus said "the father is greater than I am" at John 14:28 of bothers were God then they would be equal.

That's a completely silly argument. Yes, they would be equal in that sense, but not equal in literally all senses. If they were equal in literally all senses, then they would be precisely identical which would mean there was no trinity at all.