Islam Must Be Stopped!

in #religion8 years ago

Islam is a hypocritical idealogy which endangers both those who believe and those who refuse to believe in it!

Please do your part to educate others about this deadly religion! What do you think we as Americans can do to help eradicate this hideous satanic ideology?

#Islam #Life #Religion #Jihad #Perversion #False #Beheading #Christianity #Martyrs #Slavery #Allah #Crucifixion


i have muslim friends and they dont rape or kill others. Not every muslim is peaceful, not every human being is peaceful. Not every muslim is violent, not every human being is violent. You should meet a muslim and talk with him about islam, christianity, god and the world :)

Yes, but they are not following their Holy Book properly. The Quran demands you convert people and if they refuse you must kill them. So if they don't do that they are not true Muslims.

There are similar teachings in the Christian/Catholic First Testament in the Bible.

Oh? And show me the Christian terrorists. There are none! You hear a story on the news about a terror attack, who comes to mind? Yep, always muslims!

There are plenty, the KKK, the IRA, in Spain there is ETA. Its just on the news they arent labelled as Christian terrorists, but they invariably are Christians and they cause terror.

(decided not the place for religious debate. I have muslim friends, and they hate the fanatics as much as everyone else, if not more.)