in #religion7 years ago

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And let him that is athrist come. And whosoever will let him Take of the water of life freely" (Revelation 22:17b)

The ushafa community in Africa has been without water for years until bore hole was sunk in it. Community leader said, " without this water, we could even die . " Water quenches your your thirst. nourishes and detoxifies your body. Water makes up 60 per cent of your body depends on water. lack of water in your body can drain you of energy and Make you tired. Water is Life, you cannot do without it. That is why the book of relevation encourage every that is athrist to come and drink of the water of life freely. in our text , Water here refers to the salvation of God . you cannot do without salvation. salvation opens the way to external life in heaven .

That is why Christ invites everyone to come and drink of the water of life. salvation cannot be earned. But God gives it freely . Many are desperately thirsty for the water of life around you . why don't you invite them to come and drink freely ?


Is a good advice to all Christian, there are many people around us that is thirsty let us invite them to come and drink the water of life which is Jesus christ. let preach to them to accept Jesus christ as there Lord and saviour.