Liberalism, not Islam is the problem

in #religion6 years ago

            (((Counter-Jihad))) is a mostly a right-wing movement that sees the il-liberalism of Islam being a threat to the Western way of life. The birth rates of Muslims being higher than non-Muslims in the west. (((Counter-Jihad))) sees that once Muslims become a majority in the West there will be a complete transformation. A change into a theocracy with strict Sharia law implemented. It does on the surface appear true. With the suicide bombings and acts of terrorism that has been happening all over the West. However, the problem is not the religion of Islam and the eventually imposing of Sharia law. Unfortunately, Sharia Law is not coming to the West.


           Liberalism is the most dangerous threat facing the West and the Muslim world. The Counter-Jihad movement doesn't focus on stopping Muslim immigration. It focuses on the need to liberalize Islam. If you are going to complain about Muslims putting Women in their place, making sure gays aren't fornicating in the street, criticizing Jews/Zionism or criticizing (((Cultural Marxism))). If that is going to be the vector of your movement, that is controlled opposition. It's just taking you back to liberalism which is the problem initially. The whole reason why these people are in a Western country is because of liberalism.

         Donald Trump mentioned how Malmö is becoming an outpost for Islam back in 2017. The (((media))) attacked Trump heavily for saying this about Malmö. Two Journalists, Lauren Southern and Tim Pool, visited Malmö. They went in there to try to prove Donald Trump right. To show that Malmö is a Shariah law outpost of ISIS. What Lauren Southern and Tim Pool saw was just another mixed city. It was just another racially incoherent New York City. Their conclusion was that Trump was wrong and that there is no problem with Malmö. There is a serious problem with Malmö! It isn't Sharia law, its devoid of Swedes! Malmö is a typical (((New World Order))) city. 

  • A small clique of (((redacted))) running everything 
  • A ring of White Swedish hipsters that are in charge of the arts and creativity stuff
  • Just as in New York, London, Paris, etc. A majority Non-White population that does the construction, catering, uber deliveries and other unskilled/low-skilled labour jobs.

There is a problem in Malmö. It isn't the Islamofascism as (((Counter-Jihad))) portrays.

          Sadly, Sharia law is not coming to the West. If you think Muslims doing Sharia law is bad, just wait until they stop doing it. Just wait until they start drinking, doing drugs and engaging in sex trafficking. Oh, right! They're already doing it in the UK right now with the grooming gangs. The one thing (((Counter-Jihad))) won't cover. The idea that Muslim culture is very puritanical is not true. They are very prone to doing drugs, drinking, and sexual immorality(particularly sex with underage boys/girls). Which is why Sharia law exists in the first place. It is their racial cultural expression to handle the negative tendencies of their group. I don't care if you have a country with a strict Islamic rule. Like in Iran with the 'Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice'. I would like to have that in the West. Iran has to have that ministry because the first thing that happens when they start loosening those laws. A horrible opioid epidemic that is rivaling America in terms of the number of deaths and addictions. The way the (((Elite))) control you is through your vices.

         Muhammad(Peace be upon him), through all his flaws, saw that. He saw it vis-à-vis the (((redacted))) question. If you read 1,001 nights there is a lot of sexual degeneracy in the book. That is what happens in the Islamic world when it is secularized away from Islam evolves into. In the pagan Arab world, they were having sex with children. For example the practice of Bacha Bazi in Afghanistan was something the Taliban was fighting against. Bacha Bazi is a practice that pre-dates Islam. It is an ancient Pagan tradition that they have been fighting against. It still lingers because of the pockets that were free of Taliban chopping your dick off for engaging in the behavior.

        These people need Sharia law. The reason why in Muslim societies the women have to wear a full-blown ninja/superhero and after that, they have to be escorted by a male. Because if they don't, then they're just going to get raped! This is what happens in Germany, Sweden where they are free of Sharia law. They rape women, they rape children. They don't even understand it. "If you don't want us to rape your women. Why aren't you escorting them? Why aren't you covering them up? Why are you letting women walk around in mini-skirts by themselves?". We already see the horrible things that have happen when they become liberalized and secularized. It is happening in an accelerated pace. 

        These secular Muslims in London, Paris, Malmö and various cities in the West are behaving worse than in their own countries. The more secular they become, the more guilty they feel for living in sin. Leaving them vulnerable to radical preachers who turn them into the most violent radical extremists. The average European Muslim who 'finds himself' is far more radical than the average Muslim in Syria or Iran. You see the most brutal Muslim in the middle east are this weird combination of Western degeneracy and with a caved-in head version of Islam. Its where you see these most demonic things. Where they make these rap videos where they put people in cages and drown them. Cut people's chest open and eat their hearts. 

       This is all a byproduct of liberalism. If you against Islam as a concept that is dumb. If you are against Islam because it is incompatible with the West that is fine. If you mix two different incompatible groups in with each other you will cause conflict. If you want the world to be able to live in peace then we need to be allowed to live in our own separate ways. Our own ways that fits our Nations best.