The evolution of Adam - Sin and Entropy

in #religion7 years ago

The word "sin" is apparently an archery term and means to "miss the mark or target".

Sin and unrighteousness often has a poor connotation associated with it in our minds, perhaps because of the repeated strong language and warnings associated with it in scripture.

By APoincot - CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

If we think about sin using the archery metaphor then it is not surprising that all of us are sinners and fall short much of the time.

There are just so many more ways to miss the mark than the one and only way to hit the target. If we examine it a little closer, there are 359 degrees just on the horizontal plane, as opposed to the one degree that the target is located in. Add to that the vertical up and down of the horizontal and we start to look at extremely large numbers of possibilities beside the one marked by the target.

The Lord gives his own definition of sin early on in Genesis when speaking to Cain.

Genesis 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.

This is why we consider the world we live in now, or the fallen world that Adam and Eve were cast out into, a world of high entropy. High entropy is associated with many "degrees of freedom". There are just so many ways in this world where we can "doeth not well".

It is also interesting that the word "fallen" is applied to it or that Adam "fell". The two words imply a descent from something higher. In this case a descent from the higher more ordered state of Eden, a state of low entrophy. Entropy is associated with the natural tendency for things to descend into lesser and lesser ordered states, a measure of how things unravel over time without intervention.

If we look at the commandments its not hard to notice that many of these things all warn against behaviors that will introduce a couple more degrees of disorder into our lives and that of the society or community in which we live and interact. Subsequently even though not obeying a set of commandments seems to provide us with greater freedom, ultimately it increases the disorder around us and allows chaos into or lives.

It may be temporarily great at the lower levels of order, because there is so much freedom there, however staying at high levels of freedom, high entropy and close to chaos does have its drawbacks. All of the things accessible to more ordered states and higher levels are inaccessible.

For example, if one has just exercised their freedom to chop up and burn the wooden ladder for firewood then it is no longer possible to use that ladder to climb to otherwise inaccessible places. Unbridled freedom is not always all it is made out to be.

Adam and Eve soon found that out, their exercise of freedom led to a world of pain, suffering and hard work. Pain and suffering come to us as a natural result of entropy and hard work is required to maintain or build anything in this fallen "high entropy" world.

So to it is with us, we need to improve the level of order and organisation in or lives if we want to achieve more lofty goals.

This is the purpose of the laws of obedience and sacrificing certain levels of freedom. This is the means we have at our disposal to assist our aim, enable us to hit the mark and reach our target.

Previous parts of this Series.

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Where do these notions originate?
Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Delving a little deeper
Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Into the detail
Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some conclusions
Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some more conclusions
Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - The implications.
The evolution of Adam - a conundrum
The evolution of Adam - Who is Adam
The evolution of Adam - Two trees and choice
The evolution of Adam - Partaking of the fruit and feeling naked
The evolution of Adam - Was there death before Adam
The evolution of Adam - The biological purpose of death.
The evolution of Adam - The need for a Redeemer
The evolution of Adam - Inheritance and Redemption
The evolution of Adam - The dust of the ground
The evolution of Adam - flesh and blood and flesh and bone.
The evolution of Adam - a debt of blood and ghosts
The evolution of Adam - the lesser understood spirit within us all.
The evolution of Adam - Entropy and Eden.


Great explanation of "sin" @gavvet. I have really been enjoying your series and learning a lot.

This paragraph realy hit home for me.

"If we look at the commandments its not hard to notice that many of these things all warn against behaviors that will introduce a couple more degrees of disorder into our lives and that of the society or community in which we live and interact. Subsequently even though not obeying a set of commandments seems to provide us with greater freedom, ultimately it increases the disorder around us and allows chaos into or lives.

I can't help but relate to this quote here in backpacker Thailand. So many young travelers I've met who are atheist, and go by the Allister Crowly motto of "do as thou wilt" it creates quite a drama filled, drunken, irresponsible, drugged out, hedonistic environment that I either watch from the side lines or avoid all together. So many of them will proudly come out and say I'm "Atheist" Then arrogantly look at you like your an idiot if you have any other belief.

Their reckless behavior often leads to misery, STDs, broken hearts, fights, broken bones, and even death by being drunk and drowning or motorbike accidents. In your opinion is that a result of them turning their back on God, or God turning his back on them or something else all together? What do you think?

For me and my travels I can be a little antisocial when the company is out of control. I enjoy daytime activities. I enjoy seeing the immaculate creation all around. Today I visited four stunningly beautiful beaches here in Thailand. So stunning you can just feel that the creator has a hand in just about everything. Thanks for sharing. -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

Their reckless behavior often leads to misery, STDs, broken hearts, fights, broken bones, and even death by being drunk and drowning or motorbike accidents. In your opinion is that a result of them turning their back on God, or God turning his back on them or something else all together? What do you think?

Its simply the consequences of being in a state with higher degrees of freedom. If one never goes near the edge of a cliff it would take extraordinary circumstances to fall off the cliff.

But if you live on the edge most of the time, the chances of falling are vastly increased.

Now that's wisdom! Thanks! -Dan

Sin is not only what we do
, but also what we do not do, although we are responsible for this. People are punished not for their sins, but are punished with sins themselves. And this is the heaviest and most faithful punishment.

so called "punishments" are actually usually often simply natural consequences of poor choices

Yes, you probably are right.

Being off target or on the wrong path also leaves open the possibility of discovering the correct path when supplied with adequate feedback. Sin is less a stain on the soul and more a condition of ignorance.

Absolutely agree with you, the whole world turned upside down! I certainly respect the right of every person to freedom of thought and expression, but in my opinion, some things have been distorted to such an extent that it is disgusting to look at it. The main people lose their feelings of shame, which is a sin. Violated the laws of nature and the universe, I think this is a dead end for a sinner! Thank you @gavvet

My mother often used an allegory to describe this very point...

The story of How Things Get in a Muddle by Gregory Bateson, taken from his book Steps to an Ecology of Mind.

Taken from his Metalogues, which are too long to post, instead I'll post a summary of them I found Here

A daughter asks her father, “Daddy, why do things get in a muddle?”

The father explores with her what she means, and they come to realise that things do not get in a muddle when people leave them alone. They only get in a muddle when (other) people touch them.

The opposite of ‘muddled’ seems to be ‘tidy’. But they realise that although everyone would agree when things are in a muddle, ‘tidy’ means different things to different people — which is precisely why the father doesn’t like anyone to ‘tidy’ his desk.

Then they think about the example of a cup with a layer of sand in the bottom and a layer of sugar on top. If this is defined as ‘tidy’ then we can see that if the cup were shaken even slightly, then it would be very difficult to get all of the sugar back on top and the sand underneath. “All of science is hooked up with that”, the father explains. And this explains how you can tell when a movie is running backwards, or forwards.

Finally they realise that the reason things get in a muddle is simply that there is a huge number of ways for things to be in a muddle, but only a very small number of ways for things to be ‘tidy’.

Is this not exactly the point you were making?

I'm glad that this knowledge does indeed come from the Bible as I always pondered its meaning and always considered it a key precept that I hold to understand my actions, how to forgive myself, how to try better next time...

Thank you for sharing my brother!
Peace and Love,


Thank you brother! X
Come check out my channel there's loads of posts like this 😁

The truth is sin makes vulnerable to the union with God, and that was why Adam and eve could not fine with God due to their nature.
They are now considered fallen because they are no longer right with God.

Sin in my definition means being contaminated of filth that cab make us unable in the prescence of God

You made me look at sin mathematically, never thought of that angle before. Your use of illustrations also made the article a good read. Same reason Jesus used illustrations while on earth.

I don't know if you will consider getting a simplified bible or a newer translation. The English in the bible translation (probably old King James v) you used is not really clear.

Regarding sin, without laws there is no order. That is a good reason to obey God's word and live in harmony with his words.

Actually agree with you when you finally told contents. As you know when i told from previous article I am personally not believe evolution of Adam. But personally trust sin and entropy. Sin is any action, feeling, or thought that goes against God’s standards. Probably we most often think of sin as wrongdoing or transgression of God's law. Sin includes a fail to do what is right decision. We all of us are sinners and if not we are not live as humans on the planet. Stay live, thats huge sin activities. Any of religion showing us what is the sin? As my religion sin meaning to the "karma". If you want to search what is the "karma" you can find it from google or books. The concept of sin is complex and the large volume.
As my mind, the sin happened with mixing humanity worst activities. But any bad work don from humans finally received sin result to them.
In this fact we require to think carefully dont go against god. Sin will coming our backward. we need to improve the our humanity level for achieve our goals success.
Absolutely great religious title you sharing @gavvet.

Very interesting post.

Interesting, and seemingly applicable, connotation between the 'ADAM' and 'ENTROPy.' Especially because the entropy is not reversible. The effect of Adam falling almost sounds scientific in a way. Entropy in a way is a one-way type force that is almost natural and cannot be controlled nor reversed once initiated. Henceforth, the control, change or re-organization would not be a possibility without another external force. So what would that external force be in this world?; Definitely can't be us the human beings.

Fallen->Entropy->7 billion plus->suburban sprawl->...saturation or end

Again very interesting post indeed.

Yup, a system would require an input of energy or work to reverse the effects of entropy

My full appreciation for this article, although our religion and beliefs are different, but basically we are from the same descendants, that is Adam and Eve, if someday people are separated by custom and belief, that is one proof of God's greatness, let us make a difference this as a motivation to live and compete healthily with affection and peace as a bridge between them.
My best REGARDS for you @gavvet