Note To Self- Life: The Giver

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

As my first post, what better way to introduce myself than to give to all of you something that will last a lifetime?
Growing in up as a Christian I always heard the saying "It it more blessed to give than it is to receive", a direct quote from the Bible in the book of Acts.

Acts 20:35
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

That quote has been ingrained into my heart and mind, something I can never forget, but something that has also brought me great sorrow at many periods in my life. Growing up in the hood, having to "scrap by" every day, not having enough to 'give' even if I wanted to, that has had me on my knees often asking God "how can I give what I do not have?" and almost as if and instant reply, God brings back to my remembrance the story of 'The Lame Beggar' in Acts Chapter 3. The man was born a cripple, he had a disability that did now allow him to walk and so he had to be carried daily to the gate of the temple, a gate called 'The Beautiful Gate', where he begged for alms every single day in hopes to get by. Peter and John so happened to be going up to the temple for prayer and this man, helpless on the ground stopped them to beg for alms, and both Peter and John, with compassion in their eyes, gazed into the man's eyes and Peter said "Look at us", "I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!". But it didn't end there, Peter not only gave him a word of healing, he also extended to him his right hand and raised him up from the ground, and immediately the man was healed. The man began to leap up and down out of sheer joy!

This man did not need silver or gold, what this man needed was some mercy and compassion, he needed someone willing to stop and help him at a deeper level than providing his daily needs. I've learned that no matter how dim things may seem in life at the moment, there are always people who are in deeper need than you are and you have what they need. You have that word of encouragement, that word of healing, that hand of help. All it takes is the willingness to look past yourself, past your current situation, past your struggle and into the eyes of the people around you; to actually look into their lives and 'see' them..truly 'see' them for who they are and meet their deeper needs. There are people who live their lives in darkness, deprived of happiness and love, who wish only that someone would actually stop to look into their eyes and give them a smile. As insignificant as it seems, a smile can go a long way, it can be what influences a person to end their lives or keep on living for another day. It's something we take for granted every single day yet it's a gesture that brightens up the hearts of so many people.

Even though I don't have much to give, physically, it has been the few times that I gave people the last of my money, the times I helped a friend get some food, the times I gave a word of encouragement, the times I have shed some light into the lives of the people around me, it is in those times that I feel the most joy despite my lack. It is in those times that I feel as though I am walking in my purpose and reflecting who Christ is. It's great to receive, who doesn't like receiving? But it's even more blessed to give. Be a cheerful giver, give expecting no return, give not because you want to be rewarded but give because it is good to give. Grace and Peace to you all, and Be Blessed in the name of Jesus Christ.