The Incorruptible's - Bodies Refuse to Dissolve After Death - Over 1000+ yrs old!

in #religion8 years ago

There is a phenomena that involves the bodies of thousands that refuse to naturally deteriorate.  The people that fall into this category are called 'The Incorruptibles'.

Interesting enough, the Incorruptibles pertain only to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.  There are no other incorruptibles that are part of any other religion.  There have been mummies found that were Buddhist there were remarkably intact, however these bodies were found to be un-naturally kept in good condition.  

One of the oldest incorruptible bodies that have been found, is St. Cecilia I believe, she was a Roman who was betrothed to a soldier and refused to marry him, instead wanting to be single and practice Catholicism, her father had her killed, she died in the first century, her body was discovered nearly 1500 yrs later and was in perfect condition, her head was still turned and separated from her body, both in perfect condition.  Her body was last examined in the last 100 yrs and it is still in great condition, that is nearly 2000 yrs old.  

Many of these bodies have what they call 'The Odor of Sanctity', meaning that the bodies produce a smell of fresh roses or perfume.  These bodies have not been embalmed and in many cases are found in conditions that would lead to very fast deterioration.  

Incorruptible Body Found in Coopersburg PA in 2001

This was a story that blew me away.  In 2001 a convent was building a new medical wing onto their convent to take care of the aging nuns.  They had to dig up old graves and move them.  They came to the foundress, Mother Therese who had died 65 yrs earlier during Easter.  The excavator hit her coffin and it burst open with a large quantity of water flowing out of it.  Out of the break in the coffin, a white hand slipped out, much to the surprise of the workers.  They ran to get help and when they pulled the coffin up, they found a perfectly intact Mother Therese, the palm branch that was in her hands when she was buried 65 yrs earlier, was still green!  Her body was exhumed and the Vatican is currently reviewing her life to determine sanctity.  

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Incorruptible Saints

Below are a few saints that were found to be incorrupt:

Saint Alphonsus Liguori -  (b. 27 September 1696 – d. 1 August 1787 )

Saint Joaquina de Vedruna -  (b. April 16, 1783 – d. August 28, 1854)

Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda -  (b. April 2, 1602 – d. May 24, 1665)

These are just a few of the saints..  it's a beautiful phenomena and still baffles scientists to this day.  It is a supernatural mystery.  


This phenomenon has always fascinated me. What do you think is the reason they never decompose??

I personally believe it's supernatural. I remember hearing about St. Maron, I think that is his name.. anyways.. his body exuded a oil like substance that smelled of fresh roses. The state that some of these bodies are found in, blows my mind, because they should have decomposed quickly.. and yet.. they look alive. Some of the bodies are even still able to be moved, as rigor mortis never kicked in..

I think it's a sign of what is to come.. that there is something greater beyond our world and that gives hope to those of us struggling in the here and now.

Thanks for sharing this. Great to see an article like this on Steemit. You might also look up Sts. Bernadette Soubirous and Maria Goretti. They too are incorrupt. I know there are several hundred at least.

I believe it has to do with the sacramental presence of God in these people during their lifetimes, which actually changed their bodies in some way to resist decay, a kind of precursor to the final resurrection. I agree. It's a beautiful and mysterious phenomenon.