Christians & Muslims DO NOT Worship the Same God

in #religion8 years ago

Islam is not founded on love. To say that we all believe in love is simply not correct. Islam demands that they control the world.

The following article was not written by me, I felt it was newsworthy and am re-posting it here:

"In a press conference held at the end of August, Cdl. Raymond Burke, former prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, spoke about many issues ranging from Islam to what he believes about saying Mass ad orientem.

On the issue of Islam, Cdl. Burke was clear on his beliefs, disowning the idea that the Muslim and Christian God are the same. "I hear people saying to me, well, we're all worshipping the same God. We all believe in love," he said. "But I say stop a minute, and let's examine carefully what Islam is, and what our Christian faith teaches us both."

The prelate made the point that it was his own research into Islam that has convinced him to believe Islam's laws are not laws "founded on love."

"I don't believe it's true that we're all worshipping the same God," His Eminence clarified, "because the God of Islam is a governor. In other words, fundamentally Islam is, Sharia is their law, and that law, which comes from Allah, must dominate every man eventually."

He continued:

And it's not a law that's founded on love. To say that we all believe in love is simply not correct. And while our experience with individual Muslims may be one of people who are gentle and kind and so forth, we have to understand that in the end what they believe most deeply, that to which they ascribe in their hearts, demands that they govern the world.

The Catholic Church, on the other hand, "makes no pretense that it's to govern the world, but rather that it's to inspire and assist those who govern the world to act justly and rightly toward the citizens.""



1st of all sharia law came from imams who invented it based on excerpts of the Old Testament after Mohamed's death. Mohamed clearly worshipped the God of Moses. Mohamed taught that Jesus was a prophet not a savior and that Christians were breaking the old testaments gods law by holding Jesus as a god before God ie thou shalt hold no other gods before me. To say that Muslims do not worship the same God as Christians and even Jews is completely false. All you have to do is pick up a Kuron and read it yourself. I am not a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew . Have both the bible and the Quran in my library. And obsurve the disinformation all 3 religions use to foment hate.

It is true that Muhammed was educated by a Christian monk, however this monk was part of teh Aryan heresy, which believed at that time that Christ was not divine, hence his belief that Jesus was just a messenger and not God. He was also taught the Jewish faith from the traveling caravans.. Islam is a heresy of the Christian and Jewish faiths. The faith itself is as it states in the above information.. it is based on the Pagan moon God.. and not entirely on the Christian and Jewish faith and belief in God.

Go read the Islamis Suras from the 7th century that are banned.. they talk about something known as 'The Satanic Verses'. Salmon Rushdie wrote on these back in the 70's and he has a standing 10 million dollar bounty on his head. His publisher was killed for what he wrote about. Muhammed wrote that he was met by the devil under the guise of 3 gods.. and they taught him Islam.. that part was removed from the Quran..

Muslims do not worship the same God..

All the muslims I met worship the qur'an and mohammed. and likewise, in a perfect reflection, all christians worship jesus and the bible.

What about the 1st commandment, people?

What is that thing that Jesus says about not building on shifting sands?

The foundation. 1st Commandment.

If I cared enough, I would go through both books and strike out every statement that contradicts that first rule. It also would strike a couple of the other commandments too.

Christians worship God, not a book. Protestant's tend to hold the bible in higher esteem, which borderlines on book worship.

That's an interesting way to put it. The separation of the authority of Scripture from the authority of the Church has certainly been problematic, IMO. I hadn't really thought of it as book worship, though, especially since the Protestants I know tend to go out of their way to avoid any sort of veneration of the physical book that is their copy of the Bible.

According to the Quran . The angel Gabriel was who spoke to Muhammad. Albert pike in his book morals and dogma also represents this. Also goes on to say it does not matter the religion weather it be either Christianity than the bible. Islam than the Quran or Jewish than the Kabbala all represent teaching to the same diety and each book used accordingly based on the faith of the pledge.

Take a look how gently Gabriel treated Daniel.
Then take a look at how roughly Muhammad claimed he was treated.
It is definitely not the same angel of light.


I totally agree with you on this, a God of love will not ask you to take the lives of innocent people to please him. Thank you for writing this, maybe it will make someone think and change their ways. Thank you for following me.

What makes you think there are innocent people?

Sad thing is that the anti intellectual class will be oppressed by the " intellectual " class to suppress the facts

The problem at least to me, is the people who take advantage of these books, be it the Bible, Koran, Talmud The Hindu Sagas etc, and try to lead people down their way of thinking and frankly most of them do it for personal gain, let's face it religious leaders lead very good lives.. Now if there are so many books purportedly coming from God, and each one teaches different things there is something wrong here as only one of the books would be right. Personally I don't believe in the divine provenance of any book, if God exists I guess he could just as easily program all he wants in each and every one of us without having to use prophets or books. Do I believe in God, well I believe there is a creative force in the universe, but that is what I think and my idea is just as good as anybody else's. But I do think religion is more a problem than a solution. I believe everyone should be able to shape his own ideas about this subject without the help of a religious leader.

Interesting.. then may I ask " I believe everyone should be able to shape his own ideas about this subject without the help of a religious leader."

Do you believe there should be laws in a land/country? If yay or ney, please reply and explain.

I really don't understand the question, it has nothing to do with religion. Laws are man made, therefore they only represent what is convenient for the people who are in power, when these people lose their power the new powerful will probably change the laws. But anyway if you look at it from laws in let's say the bible you will find if you read enough, that these laws were already in effect in older civilizations.

Here is my philosophical, epistemological and theological take on God, Judgement, Repentance, Angels and the question of whether God Acts. And Heaven and Hell - through logic I get two answers: Judgement for the wicked is itself hell (think of a realtime replay of your sensory record, except to be able to notice the things you were too busy with a clouded, younger mind - not gonna be fun for a bad person). And heaven. Well, I just want another life. Can I have that?

I really liked this dialogue I had with myself in this article. Especially the ending. I actually stepped outside myself. I acknowledged my follies and fixations. I basically said, after thinking through my life, I want to be born into a new body, one with a far less clever brain, and maybe a serious physical impairment. With parents who are rebels against a system of law that has always to me been the Law,

I couldn't stand an eternal leisure of heaven, even if I was able to try and make some limitations to give my life a sense of value. And hell as eternal punishment fails because the human nervous system normalises everything to zero. If your eyes stopped twitching very slightly left and right for even 2 seconds, the world goes grey. If you don't move your body, you forget where it is.

What makes you think Heaven is eternal leisure?

Matthew 25:23
His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!'

Luke 19:17
His master replied, 'Well done, good servant! Because you have been faithful in a very small matter, you shall have authority over ten cities.'

Revelation 20:6
Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him for a thousand years.

Sounds like a promise of luxury and leisure to me.

When my hearing is done, before the Judge, and he asks me what I want, it will, like I say, be just another ordinary life, filled with the gifts of the dreams and struggles of His creation, the beauty of the small and the humble. Even with so much more that I want to strive for remaining, I could be struck down right now, and just to watch my life again, passively, and before the Hosts, I do not want glory. I am so filled already that I want for nothing.

Everyone has different needs, different hot buttons. As long as person has a source of ongoing infusion from a moral and ethical compass whether it be a person, a book or a series of sermons it's all good. Rarely are these 100% organic qualities.

Read the bible and Quran you'll find that it in most definitely the same God. Jesus is the most quoted profit in the Quran. There's contradictions but there is in the bible as well..