
I guess I would use this as a decent response. It shows all the battles between Islam and Christians during the past 1400 years. This includes both the Crusades against Islam and Jihad against Christians animated in 20 year steps over the centuries.

This is not a new state of affairs. In fact, during Thomas Jefferson's term as president about 10% of the entire national budget was spent defending American shipping against Islam in the Mediterranean.

My brother in humanity, let me tell u I know that guy and watched his hate speech against Islam, just Like any other anti Islam- hate preachers, who take certan verses of the Quran out of context to fuel they hate campaign and ful the mass into Islamphobia. e.g the word jihad has more than just one meaning, the one all hate preachers fail to mention is the full meaning of the word jihad, e.g to try ur best to be a God fearing Person is included in jihad, to help others, it's all so jihad, to struggle, to tell the TRUETH, to give charity and not be greedy is jihad final conclusion of the word jihad in it's full context is, to always try ur best to help humanity any any way possible and always better ur self, and what every good u do is just to please the creator and not the creation, last but not least just to smile at others regardless of what ur going through is jihad.

The film contained zero hate or I would not have posted it.

It was a simple graphical animation of the pace and location of battles that have taken place since Muhammad began his blitzkrieg. One can certainly understand why there might be "phobia" given the history recounted here, but let each viewer draw their own conclusion as to which meaning of the word jihad applies.

I respect individuals opinion even if a strongly disagree with they opinion, but it's my duty as a Muslim, to point out misconception, and lies being spread about Islam. Direct them to the other side about Islam that hidden from them, and let them drew they own conclusion,

I found this recent post to be an accurate summary of what my studies of Islam have revealed. Are there any parts of it that are not correct? If so, how would you prove that your version is correct?

I hold up the history of Charles Martel (Charlemagne's grandfather) and the Battle of Tours in France exactly 100 years after Muhammad's death as a classic example of what was going on. Would you claim that the Islamic invaders that he stopped got the whole way across northern Africa and up through Spain to France by peaceful persuasion?

Does Islam approve Steem?

It depends on how u use it, if it is used to benefit the people, in good and lawful way yes if it is used to mislead the people or in sinful act then no.


My friend guessing by what ur saying, are u from India? Peace be on to u


My friend I don't no if ur male or female. What matters is u have shown me ur generosity, no matter what I do I can not pay u back, the only thing I can do for ur generosity is pray that ALLAH the creator of the unvirse guides u to ISLAM and shower u with his blessings and mercy and makes u amongst those who enters the highest station in paradise, Ameen.

my friend I'm not a scholar but I have my worries with steemit, when it comes to interst like the video says and for me any money I make from this will go to charity both Muslim and non Muslim charities

Well, I guess if they kill everyone who disagrees with them it would end poverty... sorta.

First stop following main stream media,
and all the hate preachers. then do your own reaserch on why many people are becoming Muslims, then read the Quran in English translation and then make up ur own mind, thank you for ur reply, for more on Islam check out my videos here #islam-cryptosteem

Islam is a ideologie not a religium.
mohamed was a well documented criminal .

Where do you get your information about Islam, may I ask? One thing that stuck me when I started reading the Quran was how many Christian prophets were mentioned!

ofcourse i can .
I read the Quran to undestand it so i have to always have in mind
abrogation law wich Mohamed himself created, this means that if 2 verses contradict each other the newest one take precedent and is the one to follow
there for all the peacefull Medina verses are abrogted by the mecan violent verses, do not forget muslims were made a the point of the sword under penalty of death if they leave Islam .

Thanks for your reply! I have recently been looking into Islam a bit more. There is really a big difference between what Islam actually teaches and what people are saying about it. For example, it doesn't make sense that you say Mohammed would torture, rape, lie etc. when the book he taught and his teachings were against those things. I am really starting to discover a lot of strong hatred towards Islam and it is coinciding with the media's portrayal of Islam. This makes me very suspicious. Anyway I hope we all live in peace. :-)

again you are mistaken, can you tell me witch verses of Quran say you can not torture, rape, lie , deceive, steal please since you say that is what Islam teach you should have the verses to probe it , remember abrogation law .

people don't hate Islam for no reason they fear it because it destroy entire continent you just have to watch how Muslim countries are run today to realize Islam is so evil it can not longer exist in the west.

wake up Mohamed life is horrible example of human being let alone a prophet.

I appreciate you taking the time to write me :-)
I have to say that in my experience of life so far and of the teaching of Islam I have come to the conclusion that there are 3 types of Islam today: 1) There is the Islam that the mass media is portraying 2) There is the Islam that most people think they know due to their own individual interpretations and the influence of the media. 3) There is the true Islam that is discovered by an open mind and sincere heart.

ten you will be wrong againg, Islam as you know is not open to interpretation at all not one word can be change and like every other relgium the example of the founder is a clear example of wich way to go whenin doubt.
When Mohamed kill, rape, stole, deceive, torture forr money powerand gold
he set the example that islam set.
the life acctions of MOhamed have no room for misinterprtation, Islam is like a cancer for humans on earth or why do you think that all muslim countries are fail states, all terrorist groups and individual are muslims, only religium lapidating, decapitating, lashing in the 21th is Islam.

if you can not see is because you have live a islamic lie for so long that your critical thinking has being destroy by Mohamed.
thank you for your understanding and i hope one day you manage to become a good person and leave Islam so your new generation do not need the evil of Islam.

I think your understanding of Islam is very skewed. on the contrary to what you said, Islam is open to differences of opinion. From very early on its scholars differed on many matters. I think we can all agree on some basic fundamentals though- not to kill (Islam is against this), not to oppress (Islam is against this), giving in charity and feeding the poor (Islam mandates this). Unfortunately we now live in a world where religion is being demonised by the media and many people are believing the media. Did you know that it is mandatory in Islam for each Muslim to give 2.5% of their wealth every year to charity? Imagine if every person on earth did that. Did you know that Muslims live and believe in Jesus, Moses, Isaac, Abraham etc? Did you know that it is mandatory in Islam for a husband to pay for all of his wife's basic needs such as food, clothes and rent? Did you know that a Muslim is not allowed to talk behind someone else's back? Did you know that in Islam a neighbour has rights? Did you know that animals and trees have rights? Did you know that interest is completely not allowed? Imagine a world with no interest rates? Imagine a world with no high mortgages or unfair bank loans? It is often easy to focus on what you think is negative about something and ignore the good. To be a critical and intelligent thinker one must weigh up both the "good" and the "bad" before making ones mind up. And at the end of the day, the most important thing I think is that we all just get along! If I like vanilla ice cream and you like chocolate does that mean we can't get along?! We should love and learn from our differences! Variety is the spice of life after all! :-)

The Prophet Mohammad was a rapist. Islam is a disgusting and perverted religion based on violent principles. Plus over thousands of years of inbreeding has led to the insanity that is now Islam.

The Prophet Mohammed was no more a rapist as was Moses, or Jesus. Where do you get you information about Islam may I ask?

Islam is just a verry extrem ill system , bad for humans .
The more you read about it the more you understand , it creates extrem emotions in the people .
That is dangerous .
I hope many trust the history , all countries where muslims life are desert already ... wake up friends .... Thank you

Interesting post. Following and upvoted. :)