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RE: Intuition & Second Sight - Is This a Legitimate Phenomena?

in #religion8 years ago

This is interesting to me because I have been writing on Steemit individual stories of vaccine injury. I have been listening to almost 100 stories to choose which to highlight AND a common part of many stories is how the person just KNEW that they shouldn't get the vaccine and ignored that feeling because of the intense pressure. Most had never heard before that a vaccine could injure and they trusted their doctor. Some called it intuition or a strong feeling or the Holy Spirit. But they all regretted ignoring that feeling.


That is interesting, I am going to have to check out those posts that you are referring to. I despise vaccine's and avoid them like the plague if I can. In some things.. vaccines are good.. or have a purpose I think. But I think, in many ways, vaccine's may be behind autism and other things like that. What are your finding's so far?

Each vaccine comes with a package insert from the manufacturer that is supposed to be discussed with the doctor and a portion ripped off and given to the patient. The insert lists contraindications like allergies to ingredients and pre-existing conditions like any auto-immune conditions. Then each vial's package insert gives a huge list of possible adverse reactions to be aware of like eczema, rash, encephalitis (brain swelling) and even death.
The reality is that doctors will never give you the insert, will not pre-screen you for contra-indications, and when you have an adverse reaction they deny the vaccine could be responsible. They will insist you keep on vaccinating after a previous bad reaction. They will vaccinate when you are already ill with a cold or flu even though the CDC and insert says never to do so. They will tell you to take Tylenol before and after the vaccine even though Tylenol suppresses the liver from making Glutathione which enables detoxification of the toxins like aluminum that are in the vaccine.
They don't pre-screen for the MTHFR gene mutation which inhibits proper detoxification and which 98% of autistic people have. Sudden onset autism starts out with encephalitis (brain swelling) which is listed on every Vaccine Insert.
Watch the movie "VaxXed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" to see how the CDC had committed fraud on the MMR/Autism study and that it actually proved a strong link between the MMR vaccine and autism.