
in #religion6 years ago


In order to manifest and create your reality you must start with your thoughts. You cannot desire or pray for something but at the same time believe you’re never going to get it. That is how powerful our thoughts are. We have been given a great gift by God, the Divine Source, the ability to create our reality. We are all that powerful. It is not just ‘for the lucky ones’ (perfect example of negative thinking). We have been created in the likeness of the Divine Source/God/I AM. As God creates, we too can create. But you cannot create your true desires by negative thinking. If you break it down into energy, negative attracts negative, positive attracts positive. Once you master this you will truly begin to change your world around you. Nothing will ever look the same again. You will open up. You will understand why at times ‘bad things’ happen to good people. But the amazing thing is you will for the first time ever understand that there is good from all. Even in tragedy, there is good. You will understand and be shown the ‘bigger picture.' Your gifts will help you. But is all begins with positive thinking.


Think of what you would like to achieve in life and truly believe that it will happen. It may not come in the exact form you asked for, but as you raise your vibration you will know it when it comes. You must believe that it will happen. You cannot ‘want’, you must ‘believe’ it will happen. It must be a statement, a positive statement. Believe in yourself, believe it will come to fruition. You will start to see choices appear in front of you that will take you to your goal. These choices have been appearing your entire life but most times have gone unnoticed. As you raise your vibration, they become so
prominent that you cannot miss them. Synchronicity will be all around you. It is then that free will comes into play. We always have free will to decide. No one can tell you the answer. No psychic can tell you the right path, your spirit guides and angels cannot even tell you what you must do, each choice is yours alone. Your intuition, your clearer thinking, and universal wisdom will all help you move along on your path. And if you take a wrong turn, rest assured there will be a fork in the road up ahead again, more choices and chances to put you back on your path.



After reading your post it's seems you incline towards religious stuff's...which sound Good...can you write some blog on mediation like stuff's