Migration or Invasion by Amir Fatir

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

“The brother, he's coming from the
east. He gonna eat you up.”
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

None dare call it conspiracy for to so is to be banished from polite conversation. In the current, psyche corroding newspeak, you cannot say the obvious or point out the elephant in the room, even if he's pink and polka dotted. You cannot stray, conversationally, from invisible intellectual borders and you must never, ever, call a spade a spade.

Despite the membership of high officials in secret orders like Skull and Bone and the Masons, despite attendance at Bohemian Grove and the Bilderbergers, despite Bush 1 era Cia Director William Casey, National Security Advisor Admiral Poindexter, and Bud McFarland publicly admitting to conspiring to create a secret government, you can never, ever say that any big event whatsoever is the product of a conspiracy.

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..." you hear supposed analysts say.
The feudal overlords don't want any discussion of conspiracy because the moment you put that possibility into the equation, the whole picture stands out in the clear.

The next normal response, after the dots have connected, is to retreat, to desperately try to re-blind yourself because the scope and depth of this thing is so vast that you feel powerless to even imagine dismantling it. So you try very sincerely to pretend it's not there, that a spade isn't a spade. That magic bullets fired in Dallas really can change direction in mid-air, go through two people a couple of times and emerge from a massacred President shiny now.

keep it moving. Nothing to see here.

You begin to convince yourself that Sirhan's 6 shooter really could fire 10 to 13 rounds and hit Bobby in the back of the head while facing front.

You believe, or at least want to, that Jerry Reubin got run over in a car on a slow suburban street by accident, that Huey Newton got offed in "a drug deal gone bad", and Abbie Hoffman---successful as hell in the computer biz-- got so bored he decided to kill himself. That all these things happened within days of one another and no malevolent force had anything to do with it.

You might even attempt to re-convince yourself that the Windsor gang really is just "a ceremonial monarchy" that "stays completely out of politics."

I remember when Elton John first came out of the closet. He wasn't greeted nicely, so he went back in.
Re-blinding oneself to the conspiracy is even harder than that.

Whenever I see a Kissinger or a Windsor 8% of my subconscious is waiting to see if they'll accidentally shift into a serpent. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm still watching.

The feudal overlords could care less what your religion is, as long as the end result is submission to them. They need religion to police and control the masses. Over an extended period of time, armies and cops can't do it. The only way to control billions of people is by controlling their thought processes, their values, their "instinctive responses." and in accomplishing that, religion is without peer.

Long ago the Conspirators conspired to replace Christianity with Islam as a means of maintaining feudal order over the masses.

When you become a 32 degree and 33 degree Masonic Shriner, you become a Moslem. Most people don't know that. You declare or swear on the Quran. That's why high level Masonic conspiracy centers are called "Mosques". One of the most powerful is the Syria Mosque in Pittsburgh.

Now, factor in that the majority of presidents have been Masons. They admit it, going back to George Washington.

At one time it seemed every judge was one. They enjoyed flashing their gang signs during trial. That's why they don't like trials being video taped. People will have a record and wonder why the judge and prosecutor and even the sell 'em at "defence attorney" keep making these awkward gestures.

The people of American and Western Europe have became a nuisance to the feudal rulers, so they've been waging a quiet war on them since the 1950's . They plan to return the West to overt feudal control. To accomplish this they need for the masses to be controlled by a strong, masculine, fear-evoking religion. So while they pretend to be anti-Islam, they are doing everything they can to bring Islam to power in Europe, then in America.

Do you really think the United Sates air force keeps "accidentally" delivering massive stocks of weapons to ISIS and al-Qaede? Can a military so linked up that they can read a license plate from outer space be so stupid that it delivers essential weapons at very crucial periods to the "wrong rebels"?

The Wahhabis have taken over Islam. And they literally believe in all the silly madness Christians discarded as symbolic long ago. Substitute the name "Muhammad" for Jesus and you've got medieval Christianity of the Dark Ages queued up again.

The flood of Arab Muslims into Europe is a big part of the transfer of power from effete Church to terror-stricken mosque.

And there's nothing the Europeans can do about it. Chicks dig masculine strength. So if European men try to keep the Arabs out, why their own wives and daughters will attack them.

As Melvin Van Peebles once sang: "It's all over now, Mighty Whitey, it's all over now."

The conspirators orchestrated the Arab invasion and made sure, via the European Union conspiracy, there was not a thing the individual nations could do about it.

Do you think the millions of Arabs will go back to the hot desert when the "crisis" is over? Would you?
With them comes 'adhen blaring 5 times a day, Shar ,ah law, dictates to Europeans how they can dress, what they can drink or eat and, soon, legal beheadings for "blaspheming" their fictional prophet.

This suits the feudal overlords just fine. Just as Queen Elizabeth is "head of the church" King William or some other reptile will be head of the Mosque.

They were getting ready for the Queen Mother (Diana) to be a Muslim before other Conspirators killed her. Then they made a "spiritual cross-dresser" President. We're almost there. Can you say "Allah-u Akbar"?
The Conspirators will use any mind control religion they can to accomplish their aims. They could care less about any of them. The religions in public are just covers for their own. secret, dirty, religion.....Abomination.

Saddam Hussein, Assad, Mubarak, and Qaddafi held the Arab hordes in check. So they had to go. Their demise opened the flood gates.

Oh, blind, deaf and dumb Europeans and white Americans, Qaddafi was the best friend and protector you had. and you killed him.

Better start ordering those burkas baby. It's a wrap!