Sol de Verano

in #relatos7 years ago

Brilla de día y se ausenta de noche, su calor es como llama viviente que quema con solo tocarlo, su luz se transforma con el paso de las horas y sigue su curso como cimarrón galopante, sin ser detenido, su presencia gigante muestra su fuerza Majestuosa, visto por todo ojo y sentido por toda piel, que marca el bronce de su rayos cósmicos sobre el faenador que con laborioso día marca su alba y cierra su poniente.


It might help if you post in english !

It shines by day and is absent at night, its heat is like a living flame that burns by just touching it, its light transforms with the passage of hours and continues its course as a runaway runaway, without being stopped, its giant presence shows its force Majestic , Seen by every eye and sense by all skin, that marks the bronze of his cosmic rays on the slayer who with laborious day marks his dawn and closes its west.