The love that bite

We started from a hut
Taking shades from the sun
The weather grows calm and cool
But our feelings, hot and cool
You took the first bite
The love really bite

Is that what they call cheating ?
For me it should be cruelty
Because that bite on me went deep
But that 'sorry' was medicinal
I was back again, loving you

Then something said to me, ,'pay him back'
The thought wrestled in me to settle a score
That guy wasn't your equal, but I gave in
Only to settle a score for your first bite
Then I bit, regardless of the gushing blood
Guess I went too deep, deeper than your bite
My dear, what's it with this love that bite ?

So , I begged like a little baby for reconciliation
And you took me back , since we're now on a draw
But really I want a true love, guess you also do
And I'm threatened you may be plotting another bite
Don't know how deep that would be
For my heart is already full of scars
You know you met it in a delicate state
Please, don't take that bite , I'm sorry

Please, this love has bit on both of us
Let its teeth smiles for us rather than bite
Let us let go of the bite for us to stay
Lest we let go of our love for the bite to stay

Let us shut the door at the love that bite
By learning to forgive without a pay back