How To Instantly Improve Your Romantic relationship , learn 5 surefire way powerful

in #relationships8 years ago

1. Recall Your First Date

If you've been dating for quite a while, it can be fun to relive your first date. Even just to think about who you were then, what you dressed like, and how you behaved around each other can be a sweet memory — especially if you've fallen into a relationship routine and have become so comfortable you've forgotten what those butterflies feel like. Sometimes just reminiscing with your partner about what your love was like when it was new, can be exactly the reminder you need to get those feelings back (except stronger this time around!).

According to Psychology Today, Psychologist Barbara Markway suggests asking some of the following questions if you feel your relationship is in a bit of a rut: How did you meet? What first attracted you to your partner? What did you do on your first date? Asking these questions makes it harder to forget the strengths of your relationship, according to Markway.

"It’s easy to forget how hard you worked to build your relationship in the first place. It may seem like it happened magically, but it didn’t: You created the magic, detail by detail. You formed the special bond by paying attention to each other with the intense focus that characterizes falling in love," Markway said.

2. Get friendly with their friends

Call his/her best friends over for dinner now and then. This way your  partner can have fun with his or her buddies, and you too can learn a  lot many things about them. This way your partner will also get to know  how much you respect their individual space. 

3.Plan a dream travel trip

Sometimes we get stuck in a routine, and we forget to add things that  are fun and exciting. Send him a picture of an exotic destination, and  see if it perks his interest. is a great website to  find discounted rates a month or two in advance if you sign up for their  newsletter.

Figure out how much you both want to save each month and make a  savings account for fun travel. This can give you something to look  forward to, and you’ll see it brings in a fresh energy of adventure and  playfulness.

4.Frame a beautiful, romantic photo of the two of you

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so why not get a cool picture of the two of you framed or printed onto a canvas? You could go one step further and get a photographer or a friend with a high definition camera to do an artistic photo shoot of the two of you to highlight your unique bond. Look through old photos, and if you really want to have fun with it, get a tri-fold frame or a collage frame.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on this either. CVS, Walmart and  Walgreens do canvas wrapped enlargements for around $10. Maybe this  could go with your man to work and be a reminder of how close you are.  Guys can be sentimental just like us.

Stop feeling bitter about what he’s not doing or noticing, and use  your own ability to shift the mood by being creative and kind.  Relationships are mirrors of our own perspectives and behaviors more  than we often realize, so keep it fun and keep it positive.

You have your work cut out for you, ladies. We want to hear how this  works. Remember, when we stop thinking about ourselves and start showing  love and affection, it builds the positive energy between us and our  men.

5. Don't let go of communication

If you have a problem with something your partner says or does, make  sure you bring it up instead of letting it build up inside you. Also,  instead of running towards your parents' arms to talk about your issues,  learn to talk to each other about them, as honestly as possible. 

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