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RE: What if the Whole World Suddenly Became Asexual?

in #relationships7 years ago

It's the easiest sell because majority of humans are sexual deviants and lust over the opposite sex.

Sex / prostitution was the earliest profession recorded in history. It's literally encoded in our genetics to want to mate and advertisers long ago realized this.


Yes, but do we have to? So what that we've been like this for all recorded time. Does it make the most sense? Prostitution works because sex sells, but if there we no demand, we'd simply sell something else....

Majority isn't asexual and cannot even comprehend not being sexually attracted to something.

Most asexual folks I know were sexually abused as children and that in part made them how they are. On the flip side I also know sometimes being molested or sexual abuse at a young age can also cause nymphomanaic tendencies and hypersexuality.

Prostitution works because most of us are wired to seek out dopamine and seratonin.. Which is released when getting skin to skin contact, attention and orgasms..

Humans are basically drug addicts by design when you take a look at how the brain functions.. Sex will always sell because it "feels good" and is literally coded into us to crave.

We don't have to use sex to sell products but it works. To do otherwise would be like leaving money on the table and walking away forgetting it.

Right, most people are not asexual -- my question is what if that were to happen.

I'm sure some asexuality can occur from trauma, but I'm pretty sure it's not a 'disorder'. I'm suggesting that maybe it can be a subset of humanity just like any other non-mainstream sexual tendencies. If sex and/or intimacy stimulate orgasm... then why do we need sex?

Oh right, cause we want it.

There are also many other sources of dopamine and serotonin....

Sex will always sell because it "feels good" and is literally coded into us to crave.

Food feels good. Running feels good. Snugglng feels good.

We don't have to use sex to sell products but it works.

Oh no, I am mostly referring to sex being the product -- and am ignoring the obvious use of sex to sell things.. I'm questioning sexuality at its root.

I'm a somewhat open minded man I like to think but unfortunately can't even pretend to think this is possible given my studies of our species, the way societies are run and our colourful history.

Intimacy doesn't stimulate orgasms.. Friction does! When you strip back the "feelings" most feel during sex it's basically just friction.

Sex isn't a want but a need of the species. If no one was horny or had the urge to make coitus our species wouldn't exist in < 100 years. On an individuals basis.. Yes, it's not necessary but as a whole without being wired to reproduce in the way we are.. Our species dies.

Not get rid of sex!! You can't do that. =) I'm referring to the preoccupation we seem to be having with sex. Do you think 'sex addiction' was even a consideration 1000 years ago? I mean maybe, but, honestly it seems like we've put too much focus on one bodily function. We also have an unnatural relationship with eating.. but most people realize that now.

We live (atleast over here in canada / usa) in a land of excess where sleeping with multiple partners is considered normal if you are a successful individual.

The media and popular culture is having a large effect on this.. Young girls now wear make-up and revealing clothes because that is what their role models on TV do.. And parents are too busy to teach their kids their own self worth and instead allow the over-sexualization to continue.

Our primitive urges will always be there.. It's what we are.. However I do agree with you that the world is a bit over bearing when it comes to shoving sex in our faces.