Welcome To Unlock the Scrambler

in #relationship2 years ago


Subject: 9-word text makes a girl chase you (even if she "pulled away")

If a guy wants a ‘second chance’ with a girl who got away….

Or a woman who’s slipping away right now…

There is one simple "Texting Technique" any man can use…

To intrigue her…

Get HER reaching out…

And have her chasing after him…

Its really very innocent and “under the radar”…

First, you wait till just enough time goes by that she begins to wonder where you’ve been…

Then you type these 9 words into your phone...

"Hey, I need a quick favor, hit me up”…

Hit send…


Do you know what you do next?

Most men think they have the answer…

But only 3 in 100 guys will get the “next step” right…

No... you're NOT going to use the “text” as an excuse to meetup with her...

Because that’s way too predictable...

And being ‘too predictable’ is a HUGE mistake most men make when they really like a girl…

That causes her pull away and actually LOSE ATTRACTION to you…

So… the moment she replies… (and she WILL reply…)

You do one simple thing…

It’s something she would never expect...

Something that gets under her skin… (in a good way)

…where she can't stop thinking about you…

Something that “Overrides" any negative opinion of you, and activates a new primal desire...

To chase you and only you…

Until she becomes your girlfriend…lover… or wife.

The technique is called: "The Scrambler"...

If you know what to do next…click here : http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

Then there's nothing else for us to say to each other...

But if you don't know “The Scrambler”… http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

I want you to stop whatever you're doing…

And go watch the special video I've put together for you at the link below right now…

==> Use "The Scrambler" to reverse a woman's feeling about you

In the special video you'll watch after you click the link…http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

You’ll discover an incredible secret about female psychology you've never heard before…

And then he’ll “reverse engineer” the process of falling in love…

So you can see exactly how one simple technique called: “The Scrambler”

Will have her falling in love with you...

And here’s the best part...

Even if you’ve already made mistakes… even if you’re in friend zone territory

Its not too late… you can FIX things…

If you follow the right steps from here on out…

But… I can only show you “The Scrambler”

If you click this link and watch the special video right now...

Email #2:

Subject: Do You Pass This "Test" Women Give You?

FACT: Whenever a woman starts to “like” a guy…

There is almost always moment where she'll PULL BACK her attraction…

Her interest will seem to dwindle…

Her texts will slow down …

In your gut... You can feel something changed and she’s slipping away…

See… you might not know “this”…

But, 99.9% of women will instinctively "test" a man within the first few weeks of talking to him…

And failing this secret "test" is the #1 reason a woman will walk away from a guy...

I'll tell you exactly what this “test” is and how to respond in a second...

Because as innocent as this "test" seems...

It secretly shows her how much "boyfriend potential" you really have...

It shows her if you’re a man she should pursue…

If you’ll give her the thrill of the Chase…

...Or if you’re just another boring “nice guy” too easy to figure out…

So... If you could never understand what happened with a girl (who seemed to like you)…

And why she suddenly got "cold" or stopped replying to your messages…

I can almost guarantee…

Its because you failed this critical "test"…

And when you fail this “test”…

You instantly become needy… weak… and unattractive in her eyes…

And the more you try to make things better… the more you push her away…

And you never realize it could have all been avoided…

With one simple tweak to your "game"...

So… Do you pass this common "test?"

If you don’t…a woman will continually lose interest before you can make her your girlfriend or wife...

And if you think there is even the slightest chance you've failed this "test” in the past...

Or you're failing it right now with a girl ...

Then you have to watch this brand new video that teaches a technique that can completely turn things around...

Because it can FIX THIS... and stop it from happening with other girls...

See, My friend Rob created an ‘underground’ technique...

That shows men how to take this common "test" women give you…

And turn it around and use it to have her chasing you instead of the other way around...

Again, in the special video you'll watch when you click the link : http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

You'll discover exactly how to spot this "test"... why girls really pull away…

And a simple technique that elicits the "chase" in a woman…

So that she's the one putting in effort and pursuing you (and only you)...

And won't stop until she makes you her boyfriend...

Now if you already feel like she's losing interest… its not too late to fix it…

If you follow the right steps from here on out...

Just click the link… you can watch the video… like I said… it takes a few minutes for me to explain it…

Email #3:

Subject: How “flood her mind” with desire for YOU (sneaky)
click here : http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

There are certain hard and fast rules about women…

And one of these rules is that girls instinctively want what they can’t have.

It's in their DNA.

Its one thing to know this, but … how do you actually take advantage of it?

Enter… “The Scrambler”.


Yea, I thought the same thing when I first watched this video:

The Scrambler revealed <== if you’re not comfortable with “tricks” do not watch

You see, two guys, Bobby Rio and Rob Judge developed a mind game they call “The Scrambler” to get a girl chasing you… To know more click here : http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

Here’s the kicker….

It works even if she wasn’t attracted to you to begin with.

And it especially works on…

…girls that have put you in the friend zone

…girls from your social circle you want to bang

…girls who ‘got away’ you want one more chance with

This is because The Scrambler basically sneaks into her mind and FORCES her to obsess about you. The more she tries to fight it… the faster and harder she falls for you.

She’ll be like a school girl with a crush on the varsity quarterback, doodling your name on the back of notebooks.

Until she’s flooded with one single though:

“She must be in love with you”

This video explains exactly what the Scrambler is and how you can use it to seduce that “hard to get girl.”

Discover The Scrambler

Now, I do have to warn you, this technique involves tricks that may or may not be “ethical” and definitely are NOT politically correct.

But they are effective 🙂

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

click the link given below and try this new product

Email 4

Subject: NEVER give a girl THIS (she immediately loses respect for you)

Did you ever hear of the cat and the string theory?

Did you ever watch a cat play with a string?

Well, when the string is dangling above its head, just out of reach, the cat goes crazy trying to get it.

It leaps in the air, dancing around, and chases it all over the room…

But as soon as you let go of the string and it drops right between the cat’s paws…

… a weird thing happens.

It just looks at it for a second, gets bored, and then walks away.

Well, girls are the same exact way.

When she’s holding the power, its impossible for her sleep with you.

It goes against her nature.

She wants to CHASE YOU.

This is why girls chase players and bad boys for years…

It because these guys are always “just out of reach.”

The first step in getting a girl to chase you, is to dangle the RIGHT BAIT.

There are actually what my friend Bobby refers to as “the 4 horseman of the Chase”…

This video reveals the 4 horseman of getting a girl to chase you <= watch this :http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

If you implement one or two of these, you’ll see a huge change in her reaction.

If you use all four… your results will EXPLODE and you’ll have that girl throwing herself at you.

Discover all four here <= watch this : http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

Email 5

Subject: #1 Way to Make a Girl CHASE YOU
click here :http://bit.ly/3kcnSDk

I bet you’ve heard this advice:

– “Girls want what they can’t have”

– “You got play hard to get”

And the advice is true…

…When you do it RIGHT.

Unfortunately most guys get this completely wrong. And just come off as disinterested, gay, or too shy to make a move.

Or worse, they completely eliminate themselves from her radar.

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression:

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it… did it make a sound?”

Well, that is sort of how I view most guys attempts at playing hard to get.

You can play hard to get all you want, but if she doesn’t notice you, or isn’t paying attention to you…

Its all for NOTHING.

Let me explain what my friend Bobby considers the ultimate secret to playing hard to get… and the ultimate secret to making a girl fall in love with you.

(and THIS WORKS even if she wasn’t that attracted to you to begin with.)

Here it is…

She MUST think about YOU when you’re not around.

Pretty simple.

The more she thinks about you (good or bad)… the more she starts to anticipate seeing you.

And its up to YOU to give her things to think about.

Things to analyze and obsess over.

Things to keep YOU on her mind.

How do you do this?

That’s what Bobby explains in this video explains.

Fortunately, there is an odd, but extremely effective “Mind Game” you can use on a girl that will completely take control of her thoughts and have her obsessively thinking about you.

Its called The Scrambler, he’ll teach it to you in the video.

Want to Jump Start “the Chase”? (use the right bait)

In the video you’ll learn powerful ways to…

– Make a girl think about you constantly (even become obsessed)
– Have her eagerly anticipate seeing you
– Have her fantasizing about sleeping with you

Discover the “Scrambler” now
