The principles of relationship building with the girls.

in #relationship9 years ago (edited)

In this article I will identify principles of relationship building with the girls.
You often ask questions, why not work to build a strong relationship? Below we will examine the reasons and find the solution to your problems.

  • First and most important thing to remember is the control of emotions. For men this is a must, as in life, and in relationships with the opposite sex. The feelings you will experience coerce you into committing a stupid and rash actions that won't end well. You need to take a sober look at the situation, to make decisions that will benefit you , or at least not harm.

  • the Appearance in your life, girlfriend should bring only positive moments. If in a relationship with a particular girlfriend you have only added to the problems, and no return, I would have thought “do I need those relationship?”

  • Always look at the relationship of girlfriend to you. She needs to invest in a relationship exactly the same as you do.

  • Always can find a time to meet/talk with a loved one. It's funny to read stories where the guy says that the girl can't finds time for meetings/communication. Most likely she does it with someone else, and keeps you “on bench spare”.

  • In a healthy relationship, a sensible girl would never stoop to manipulation on their part. If you noticed manipulation should think, “do I need this person?”

  • If a girl wants to leave, crying, not talking, let him go, anyone do not need to keep. Nothing good will come of it. Treat the woman like a child. The child will cry and stop, still running to you, women are exactly the same. How many she can ignore you? The maximum day. Yes? - She run to you the next day, and will talk. No? Why do you need this?

  • Don't run after her! Why go artificially invented by the girl obstacles, without any guarantees for the future with her? Their problems enough without her. She should not add a new problems .

  • Don't think that will take the bad girl and then, in the future, you can it is required to change her, it's a trap, why did you initially complicate their lives and cause a lot of trouble in relationships with her? You can kill all his life never changing person, it is necessary to you? I think not.

  • Budget. With budget control you and only you. Woman money is needed for to purchase products, domestics, all kinds of small expenses. For something more, she asked her man and he makes the decision. Adequate and normal woman hasn't a lot of costs. The budget and management is the prerogative of men! The woman's head should not be clogged with money, for her entire life and psychological comfort in the house - let them deal with it. Alas, I often see men who don't want to manage the family budget, to voluntarily convey the women and dependent on them.

  • Marriage. This is the most important part and in General, a risky move for men. Remember that the official statistics says that 4 out of 5 marriages in break up, followed by property division, budget, savings, children and of course child support. You need such a problem? If you think that will solve them all, you are deeply mistaken, because the man's constitutional, not protected in the marriage. Don't complicate your life. If you have a good metabolism, has a head full of hair and a good job, don't get married young, wait 10 years and make a choice.



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