This Is What You Need Before Any Woman Can Take You Seriously

in #relationship7 years ago

I just got to the office. Haven't settled even and I just have this need to reach out to you.

You see my friend, I have gone through a lot and everything has helped to shape who I am today.
I have read books, listened to audios and videos. I burn the midnight oil.

You don't have to believe anything I say. But, it still remains that what I know, you don't.
I may not be right 100% of the time. In fact, I may not be right with what I tell now. But what I tell is always right.

Listen, I don't care what you know or have been told. Women love financial security.
Yes, this time it's all. I mean every woman out there no matter how hard she tries to shield it from you.

Now, with that being established. She would try to survive and how she goes about it makes her an idealist or a realist.This response is largely influenced by her upbringing, the environment she grew in.

If her father or a father figure was a provider, she is likely to be an idealist But if her father wasn't or someone close. It could be an uncle or neighbour i.e if she wasn't opportune to know her father. She's likely to be a realist.

So, who is a realist and who is an idealist?

The realist knows or believes that to survive she must find a way to provide for herself. This woman is likely to the career woman, business mogul. She wants to do something for herself because she knows she might not find a man to do this or provide her basic needs. In fact, this woman wants to help the man in her life succeed.

Tip: Giving little task such buying something that helps your business and goals make her committed to you.

The idealist has the picture of a man she would someday grow a family with. The one who will provide her needs. This woman gets scared when the man/men in her life find themselves in financial difficulties. This makes her more of a tester. So, she will have lots of males around. No, she's not sleeping with all of them. It's her means of survival if things go wrong.

Knowing this and more which I teach in the "Game Mastery System" will help you understand the women better and of course love them the right way. But my friend, if there's one thing you shouldn't do is try to convince a woman to love you or try to impress her or try to make her see the value in you.

Having/getting a woman shouldn't be your first goal. Your purpose is your first goal. Why are you on planet earth?


Think about that for a sec...

When God created the first man he gave him an assignment, not a woman. The woman is simply a help meet. Don't try to miss it, fellas. Cos you'll go wrong.

I have had guys sending me messages of how a woman treats them wrongly or how they can't let a woman go even after series of affairs outside the relationship. This simply shows you don't know your value/worth and your purpose. Pursuing your purpose will help you find the right woman.

Don't give up your purpose for a woman.couple-fb-main.jpg