Sincere Ways To Make A Girl Want You More

in #relationshiplast year


  • Work on your physical health
    The first rule in the game of attraction is to look and feel good. So, if sitting in front of the computer all day has given you a pot belly, it is time you hit the gym and start working out to bid it goodbye. When you feel healthy from within, you look attractive on the outside too. So, make physical health your priority.

  • Make yourself presentable
    Put in the effort to look your best each time you are likely to meet her. Wear good clothes and trim that unruly beard. It tells her that you care about how she sees you and that you are serious about your relationship. Just like men, women also like it when their friends or others around them find their man attractive and presentable.

  • Exude self-confidence
    You may be a nervous wreck each time you meet her, but do not let her see it. Instead, try to be more confident in yourself. Women love men who are not afraid to take the lead and are clear about what they want. Implementing the previous two points and working on your self-esteem might help you feel more confident.

  • Ensure personal hygiene
    If you want any woman to like you, you can’t let your nostril hair stick out of your nose or your breath smell of garlic and bacon. Women are very particular about personal hygiene and hate it when men ignore such a basic need. So, spend some more time in front of the mirror. Ensure you look good and have some mint to keep your breath smelling fresh when you meet her the next time.

  • Invest in a good cologne
    The ads showing women going crazy after a man who wears a certain deodorant may be exaggerated but is not entirely false. Her sense of smell can get her attracted to you. However, do not go overboard and buy a strong headache-inducing cologne. Look for a cologne with a subtle and pleasant note so your girl feels drawn to you.

  • Improve your verbal skills
    The ability to speak well is one of the most crucial yet ignored qualities in the game of attraction. Women drool over men who speak well. If you want your woman to be in awe of you, you need to hone your speaking skills. It does not matter how your voice is; if you can avoid speaking in a monotone and adjust the intensity and pace, you’ve got this one.

  • Be within her sight
    At times, the more we see someone, the more familiar we get with them, and this familiarity can even lead to a liking. So, if your girl sees you regularly, she might develop a certain level of comfort with you, and her familiarity can even turn into a liking for you. Ensure that she sees you often so that she can feel comfortable with you.


Nice ,I like your article 👍