Only Two Days Until February's Redfish Rally!

What do you mean you haven't registered for the Redfish Rally?
Do you have less than 100 Steem Power?
Are you new to the World of Steem?
Would like to win a month long delegation of 50 SP, 75 SP, or 100 SP?

We are calling for entries for the Redfish Rally's Monthly Delegation Contest for .

February's contest will run from Saturday, February 1 at 00:00 UTC, through Saturday, February 29 at 23:59 UTC.

A reputation of 53 or lower.*
Six months or lower in account age.*
Less than 100 SP.
No history of blacklist or plagiarism.
*This is looked at on a case by case basis.
Each month is a first-of-month to last-of-month time period.
Registering will take place the time prior to the First of each month.
We will be basing our calculations on the change in the Raw Reputation (found in the steemd website) x the change in the number of posts. This will give us the Redfish Rally Reputation which will be what we base the winning decisions to be.
Upvote suggested but not required.
Resteem not required, but appreciated

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today to participate in next month's contest! The only thing you have to do is let us know either in the comments below or in the Steem Terminal, then just start posting and commenting! That's all YOU need to do!

This would enable us to connect and engage with even more new Steemian accounts. If so, please contact @xcountytravelers Steem Terminal#7157 in the Steem Terminal (a discord server) or down below in the comments. We appreciate your interest in helping us help others.

Thanks @minnerz22 for the gif!

Click the banner to go to our Discord Server!
Proud user of

Thanks @steempeak for the great banner

Click the banner to go to our Discord Server!

Thanks @steempeak for the great banner
SO many contests!! Let's see those entries my friends!! Even better... don't forget to check out the contest by @sgt-dan!! Can I getta #redfishposh!?
!giphy Lets Go!
giphy is supported by witness untersatz!
Curious to see what this will be :)
It's fantastic. I joined Steem Terminal as a Redfish (less than 100 SP in my account). The team there taught me a lot about how to grow my account on Steemit. They are a great group of people who truly desire to help beginners just starting out.
It wouldn't hurt to join if you qualify. Definitely will help, if you feel you need it.
Have a great day.
Great promotion for the upcoming Redfish Rally for February. I appreciate all that you do.