Recognize nastar cake recipes #recipes

in #recipes7 years ago

Recognize nastar cake recipes

imageNastar Cheese Recipes Complete With Tips How To Make Nastar Cake Dough Soft Lumer Beserta How To Make Pineapple Jam. Nastar cake pineapple cheese is one type of cake with a cute form that usually contains pineapple jam with a delicious taste and delicious. Dry cake with a round shape is usually a snack dish that is mandatory during the Lebaran holidays. But actually this pineapple nastar cake recipe is also delicious and delicious to be a daily snack. It tastes savory with a sweet and sour mixture of pineapple jam will definitely make everyone else eat it. To make a nastar cake is actually not too difficult really. Origin of materials used to make the prescription nastar pas size, guaranteed the results will be soft and not easily broken when held. Besides the steps how to make his nastar must also be fit so that the dough will not be dull and can be cooked perfectly.

Nastar recipe is indeed one of Lebaran pastry recipes most preferred by Indonesian families. It is almost certain that this one must be on the guest table or jar when Lebaran arrives. Even if there is no cheese nastar cheese there must be a question. Well for that most of us would want to present a soft and crisp nastar instead. But the problem is how to make this nastar cake itself can be spelled out a bit difficult. The ingredients for making nastar cake recipes are actually quite simple. Not much different with the ingredients to make other Lebaran pastry. But many of us are failing and the results are not soft and even hard. It may even break when baked in the oven or too burnt so it is not pretty color.

How to Make Nastar Recipe Soft and Not Broken

How to make a soft, soft and melted nastar cake in the mouth does require special attention. Usually this Lebaran cake is sold at a rather expensive price when Eid arrives. But it looks beautiful and tastes good and tasty too. One that causes the expensive price does make this nastar a bit difficult. To make the nastar recipe is soft and not hardened, the first thing to note is when shuffling or mixer butter. Do not be too long and while stirring the dough is also enough to use spatulas only. Do not knead by hand because later can make butternya melted. Nastar pastry cookie dough that has been so should be directly made immediately, Do not wait long can make the dough containing butter was a little soft and the result is not crunchy.

The next tip for making a soft pineapple cheese nastar cake is not to bake it with too much fire. If using the oven is too hot besides can burn will also make the nastarnya skin will be broken and cracked easily. The dough for the cake skin is also not too thin yes. In addition, the contents of his pineapple jam is also sufficient. If too much can cause the surface of this pastry cracked or cracked. When smearing the eggs are sure the cake is half cooked and the edges have dried yes. Most importantly, use good quality ingredients to make this nastar recipe delicious and tasty. For a complete dough ingredients and recipes make pineapple jam from recipe Fatmah's mother under ya.

The next tip to make a soft pineapple cheese nastar cake is not baked with a fire too big. If using oven is too hot but can also burn charred nastarnya will be broken and cracked easily. The dough for the cake skin is also not too thin yes. In addition, the contents of his pineapple jam is also sufficient saja.Kalau too much can cause the surface of this pastry is broken or cracked.Saat smearing eggs are already half baked and the edges have dried ya.Yang most importantly, use good quality ingredients to make a recipe Nastar is delicious and delicious.For a completely dough ingredients and recipes make pineapple jam from the recipe Fatmah mother under yes.

Nastar Material

Low-protein wheat flour that has been sifted as much as 300 grams. Sugar powder or fine approximately as much as 90 grams.The eggs are taken only about 2 pieces of yellow. Butter or butter good quality approximately as much as 150 grams only. We recommend using the Golden Churn brand, Hollman Butter or wijsman according to taste. Maize flour is about 50 grams only.Margarine good quality approximately as much as 100 grams.Food good quality powder about 50 grams.Keju edam or cheddar cheese that has been shredded less More as much as 50 grams.

imageMaterials for smearing

Liquid milk approximately as much as 1 tablespoon.Madu less than 2 tablespoons just so that the color and aroma more fragrant.The chicken eggs are taken only about 2 eggs yellow.

Material topping or nastar topping

Sufficient grated cheese according to taste or clove pieces.

How to Make Nastar

First take the dough container and insert cheese nastar recipe ingredients such as butter, margarine and powdered sugar. Shake with a mixer with low speed until well blended for about 2 minutes. Do not be too long yes mixernya.Masuk chicken egg yolk one by one then kock again with low speed until well blended. Do not take too long for about 1 minute. Mix the cornstarch with the flour and milk powder elsewhere and stir until blended.Tuang little by-little mix the flour into the dough of nastar skin while stirring with a spatula until blended. No need to use a mixer yes, just wear a wooden spatula.After the mixed average then pour the grated cheese and stir slowly until mixed flat.Setelah finished soon the dough nastar cheese form was equal to the shape of the sphere. Size should not be too big and not too small. Rinse the dough so slightly flattened with medium thickness then fill with pineapple jam to taste then rounded back. Repeat until all the batter nastar out. Take a baking sheet and put the nastar cake round on it. We recommend baking a sheet with bread paper so as not sticky and do not set too close ya.Enter in a preheated oven with a temperature of about 150 degrees to 160 degrees Celsius.Bangg until somewhat cooked or less for 15 minutes then remove from oven.Olesi Top nastar pineapple cheese with the pastry material then immediately give a sprinkling of shredded cheese or cloves for topping. Put the baking pan into the oven and bake until cooked or less for 20 minutes lagi.Setelah matured remove and chill

Once the pineapple nastar paste recipe was cold can be directly inserted into the airtight jar. Quite easy and simple is not how to make nastar cheese with pineapple jam above. If the taste problem, nastar cheese recipe that we have made earlier is not lost with the pastry cake that is sold at a price is quite expensive. For those who want to try other types of cakes, please try a variety of delicious and delicious Wet Cake Recipe complete with how to make it.