Wild Kingdom Birthday Cake

in #recipes8 years ago


2 16 ounce holders vanilla icing

Dark and neon-blue sustenance shading (McCormick)

3/4 glass locally acquired dull chocolate icing

1/2 graham saltine (1 square)

8 marshmallows

5 treat bazaar peanuts

3 brilliant Oreos

Yellow improving sugar

Scaled down Chocolate Chips

4 Nutter Butter treats

Froot Loops oat

2 vanilla sugar wafers (ought to have an orange tint, for example, Keebler mark)

White enlivening sugar

Green enlivening sugar

1 sack sticky spearmint clears out

6 smaller than usual Oreos

3 Oreos

10 - 12 dull chocolate Pocky Sticks

2-level square layer cake (8" and 10")

1 red gum ball


How to Make It

Tint 2/3 measure of the vanilla icing light dim utilizing dark sustenance shading. Spoon 1/4 measure of the vanilla icing into a resealable plastic pack. Tint the staying vanilla icing blue with neon sustenance shading. Spoon the dull chocolate icing into particular resealable plastic packs. Press out the overabundance air from the packs, seal and clip a little (1/8 inch) corner from each sack.

To make the stones:

Place the graham wafer on a wire rack put over a treat sheet. Cut a couple of the marshmallows into expansive pieces. Mastermind the marshmallows over the graham saltine, utilizing some icing to secure, to resemble a tumble of rocks. Warmth the dim icing in the microwave, blending like clockwork until the point when it is the surface of gently whipped cream. Pour a portion of the icing over the marshmallows to coat. Spoon the abundance icing into a resealable plastic sack to be utilized for the elephant. Put shakes aside.

To make lion:

Cut 3 bazaar peanuts longwise into thirds. Cut each piece down the middle. Chipping away at the cut edge, make crisscross slices to make the mane (they will look like duck feet). Squeeze the inverse end. Spread a portion of the vanilla icing over a brilliant Oreo. Plunge the treat into the yellow sugar to coat. Pipe white dabs and include smaller than usual chips for the eyes. Pipe the mouth and stubbles with the dull chocolate icing. Include a little triangle of bazaar nut for the nose. Put aside.

To make hippo:

Cut one Nutter Butter treat down the middle transversely (you'll utilize just half). On a moment Nutter Butter, pipe specks of vanilla icing and join small scale chips for eyes. Utilize icing to secure orange Froot Loops as the nostrils and ears. Put aside.

To make giraffes:

Trim a little wedge from one short end on each of the 2 remaining bazaar peanuts. Cut an off end of each sugar wafer and connect to carnival nut, slice end to cut end, utilizing some dim chocolate icing. Pipe spots and join scaled down chip eyes. Put aside. 6 To make elephant: Remove

To make elephant:

Expel the cream filling from the rest of the 2 brilliant Oreos. Spread a portion of the abundance dark icing over treats. Dunk treats in the white enriching sugar to coat. Pipe white spots and include smaller than expected chip eyes. Join 4 purple Froot Loops with icing as the storage compartment. Put aside.

To make crocodiles:

Trim one Nutter Butter treat down the middle the long way. Trim the last Nutter Butter treat to make a triangleshaped confront. Spread the treat pieces with vanilla icing. Plunge in the green improving sugar to coat. Cut 2 green Froot Loops and join as eyes. Pipe white spots; include small scale chips as understudies. Pipe on chocolate nostrils. Put aside. Cut a couple of spearmint leaves into triangles for scales; put aside.

To make seals:

Cut 2 of the smaller than usual Oreos into equal parts to make 3 blades. Cut an extensive Oreo down the middle to make 2 bodies. Cut another Oreo into a triangle to make the adjusting seal. Expel the cream from outstanding Oreo and cut down the middle to make 2 balances. Trim 1 smaller than usual Oreo for the seal confront. Append a small scale chip with chocolate icing as eye. Put aside.

To make monkeys:

Slice red Froot Loops to make the monkey gags. Add a Froot Loop piece to the lower half of 3 small Oreos. Pipe white dabs and include smaller than normal chips for eyes. Put aside.

Cut a few spearmint leaves into thirds longwise to make 3 leaf shapes out of each sweet. Cut some of these down the middle the long way to make littler leaves; put aside for some other time.

Sever the undipped finishes of the Pocky Sticks and put aside. Trim the chocolate-covered Pocky Stick pieces to coordinate the tallness of each layer of the iced cake.

Place a cake layer on a serving platter. Spread a portion of the blue icing to finish everything. Include the other cake layer. Place shake heap over cake. Spread blue icing to finish everything and sides of the cake, making the sides smooth. Utilize the back of a little spoon to make waves over the cake and around the stone heap.

Press the Pocky Sticks, vertically and uniformly divided, around the sides of the cake as the bars of the creatures confine. Mastermind every one of the creatures between the Pocky bars and include spared spearmint leaves (from Step 10) to fill in clear spots. For the giraffe: Apply the four undipped bits of the spared Pocky Sticks (from Step 11) to build the giraffes ears. For the crocodile: Apply spared spearmint triangles (from Step 7) to build the crocodiles scales. Pipe some other creature parts utilizing the photograph as a guide. Include the seals best of the cake and stick red gum ball to the upright seals nose with more icing.

Planning Time 1 hr to 2 hrs