Recipe for "Asinan Sayur" (Indonesian Salad from West Java)

Dear Steemians...
today I would give you another Indonesian recipe. This is called "Asinan sayur", kind of salad. This salad tastes sweet sour and spicy, very fresh yet savoury.
"Asinan" is a speciality from West Java Region and very common to find in many street vendors during Ramadhan (moslem fasting month) like now, especially when this month comes at summer.
However one still can buy it too although it's not Ramadhan, as long as it's summer, because some "Asinan" would use fruits too, and most of fruit harvest would happen during summer.
The nice thing is that our summer in Indonesia is rather long, and the rainy season is not so cold either so that one can still enjoy this dish anytime if one likes it.
One can still always find the ingredients without a need to pay much for them.
The recipe is rather simple, these are all that you need for the dish:
- julienned carrot
- shredded white cabbage or crisphead lettuce, or perhaps both
- julienned apple (choose the sour and crispy one, for example: granny smith apple or braeburn)
- cucumber
- Ananas
Or any kind of crispy salad that you like (for example: white or red radish, yam, raw soybean sprout etc)
To make the sauce you would need:
- red chilis (Indonesians would tend to use quite plenty of chilis, because the sharper it is, the tastier :-D ), grind it with a mortar. But you can decide it your self, how many chilis you want to use, or perhaps you prefer peperoni instead.
- 1 tbsp dried shrimp, grind it with a mortar (othewise you can use 1 tbsp fish sauce or 1/2 shrimp paste instead), but it's optional too.
If you want to make it VEGAN/VEGETARIAN or probably you just dislike the smell of the shrimp/fish paste, then just skip this. It would still taste as delicious. - 1 big glass of cold water
- 1 tsp salt
- 100 g of palm sugar (or a bit less, depends on your taste), you can also use brown sugar instead
- 1 tbsp rice vinegar (for you who live in Germany, you can also use "Surig" but it's acidity is a bit strong, so you might need to add a bit more water if it's too sour for you.
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 tsp tamarind (optional)
I didn't plan to make one today that's why my dish is rather simple.
I was just drooling looking at a picture sent by my friend in Indonesia through WhatsApp, that's why my "Asinan" today was much more simple than the original recipe.
I only used any ingredients found in my fridge. :-D
So I didn't use dried shrimp either, but fish sauce instead.
Asinan Bogor (a particular city in West Java) would also use some steamed tofu and roasted peanuts.
All you need to do is just to mix all the ingredients together and let it sit in the fridge for a while, because it tastes better when it's cold.

Thanks in advance for your vote! :)
Yummy, looks very delicious 😋
Danke für das Rezept :) Ideal für die schnelle, kalte Küche.
Dass du bei deinen Rezepten auch an die Vegetarier/Veganer denkst, gefällt mir besonders gut ;-)
Schön, dass du auch mutig genug bist, dieses Rezept zu probieren. :-D
Ich hoffe, es wird dir gut schmecken.
@kobold-djawa what fantastic recipe.It reminds me of an indian pickle called "Achaar" with sweet sour notes.I love tamarind great in chutneys.I so have to try the shrimp paste like yourself i have fish sauce so could use that instead.This would be great for bbqs as a side.Love crunchy raw vegg.Thanks for sharing your fab recipe! ♥️
Oooh, we have dishes called "Acar" too, it's really similar but it uses onion/Shallots instead of garlic, so it tastes slightly different. And the chilis wouldn't be ground but we use whole chilis or cut it into halves. And normally we use rawit for that.
Funny thing.. we have something similar to this here in the Philippines that's called atchara. Instead of cabbage, the main ingredient is green papaya. Almost similar to the Thai green papaya salad, but not spicy at all... it's more on the sweet side.
I think many asian countries have similar cuisines. So it does make sense that we have nearly the same food. However, there is also a dish called Acar.
I think, papaya salad could be very spicy too. It always depends on the taste.
4 chilis considered common for this in Thai or Indonesia, but for some people , especially western it is really a lot, most of them coulnd't handle it. :-D
See i love shallots and garlic i would have to use both of the ingredients have too google that.You should check my latest post put a simple pakora recipe i think you would love it, it would go great with your pickle.
Oh i wanted to ask did you try the biryarni recipe i posted for you?
Das sieht sehr lecker und frisch aus. Im denn's Biosupermarkt habe ich neulich eine "No-fish-sauce" gefunden. Diese werde ich nehmen, um den Salad nachzubasteln ... Ich freu mich schon! 😋
Ich hoffe, es wird dir auch gut schmecken. ^_^
Es würde mich sehr freuen, ein Feedback zu hören.
Ist das eine Vorspeise oder ist man das zu etwas dazu?
Man kann es auch als Vorspeise nutzen. Hauptgericht ist bei uns nur Gerichte, die mit Reis gegessen werden können.
Ehrlich gesagt, gibt es in unserer Kultur keine 3 bis 5 Gänge Essen wie hier. Es gibt also keine bestimmte Essensorte für Vorspeise, Hauptgericht und Nachtisch.
Wir stellen meistens alle Gerichte am Esstisch und wir bedienen uns selbst. Das Gericht wird in einem großen Servierteller- bzw. Schüssel serviert und jeder nimmt was er mag.
Nachtisch und Vorspeise sind kein Muss. Gerichte, die zum Vorspeise oder Nachtisch passen... essen wir meistens einfach als Zwischenmalzeit oder als Begleitung zur Unterhaltung mit Freunden, Familien oder während des Fernsehens zum Beispiel.
Dankeschön! Das war eine sehr interessante Einführung in eure Essensgewohnheiten! Spannend. Danke, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, so umfangreich zu antworten!
This looks delicious! Your recipe is easy to follow. Will try to cook it accordingly. Thanks so much for sharing. ;)
You're welcome. Goodluck @tangmo :)
Ah! Thanks so much once again! :))
dass sieht mal wieder richtig lecker aus. Danke dafür!
Bitte schön :)
Ich kann mir gar nicht richtig vorstellen, wie das schmeckt, aber wenn du es kochst, bestimmt total lecker <3
Es schmeckt suß, salzig, sauer und würzig scharf... komplex hahaha, fast alle Geschmack sind dabei. :-D
Gantian deh dibuat kepengen dipostingan ini. ehehe
Aku meneteskan liur mengingat kuahnya itu dijadikan pedes banget. Berasa gak afdol ya kalo gak pedes.
Asinan buah versi rujak, dengan saus kental dari campuran kecap, gula, cabai, dan terasi, tetap jadi versi terbaikku. Walau untuk beberapa orang, terasi ini amat mengganggu.
Mbak asli Jawa Barat ya?
Saya suka salad ini, saat kurang selera makan.
Rasa Manis, asam, pedas membikin selera makan dapat muncul kembali....
Emank nya suami mbak suka makanan kita?
Bini saya dari Tarogong Teh...
Salam Indo 😄
Bukan, dari jawa tengah. Jaman sekarang ada internet, semua bisa dicoba hehe.
Ow...sama dgn mas @icuz ya mbak...
Blora, Jateng 😄
Saya juga ngiler bgt nih mba liat gambar asinan mba.. 😋😋
Saya pling ga bisa bgt buat asinan.. Pernah bikin rasanya ngalor ngidul ga karuan krna ga pk resep, jd ga pernah bikin asinan.. Nyobain resep mba @kobold-jawa ahh.. 😊