Ison Mask What Bitcoin Detector?
Satoshi Nakamato creates a Bitcoin system. In 2008, he published a paper on the first website of Bitcoin. But who does not know who this ordeal. It is known from the paper that he was a resident of Japan and his birth in 1975. But no one saw him in the eye. Sometimes the media has taken various people as sataushi naakamoto. In 2014, they received a nakamata which is a computer scientist and Japanese-American. Again, a computer scientist, Hal Finini, is also suspected by many that he first deals with Bitcoin.
Again, Australian computer scientist Craig Wright seems to be unkempt. The difference between the person and the others is that he himself claims to be a satoshi naakama. He claimed this in an interview with BBC, The Economist, GQ. He also tried to prove some parts of how Bitcoin works in many places. But later on in one of his blog, Wright expressed his regret that he did not have the desire to go and tell himself like this. But a few days later, Kraig Wright, claiming to be a satoshi naakama, at a function in Netflix's Bitcoin, at a ceremony called Banking.
And this time the name added is Elon Mask. Although Elon Mask himself says he is not the detector himself. One of his friends gave him a few bitkayen currency gifts before long, but he did not even know where he is now. Now the question is why is Ellon mask being considered the detector of Bitcoin? At, a person named Sahil Gupta, who was earlier an intern of SpaceX, wrote a blog in this regard in November of this year. In that blog, he claimed that Elon Mask was a satoshi naakama. The reasons mentioned in his claim were such.
- Economics and cryptography require a lot of skills to write the Bitcoin paper in 2008. Mask also has that skill. He knows the economy and he knows how to develop software. Because for Zip2 and or PayPal he had to know how to develop the software.
- Bitcoin source code was written by someone who knows C ++.
- Elon mask is also a polymath, that is, many experts. He himself learned anything. After reading the book, they tried to implement them in real life and kept braving it. In this way, he is making rockets, making hyperlopes and maybe even discovering Bitcoin.
- The global economic recession also took place in 2008. Due to lack of confidence in the banks, he might have created this Bitcoin where no bank would be needed.
Besides, he is also told in the blog that if the mask is not a satoshi naakamata, maybe the real obstacle works together with Elon Mask, Nick Jabbo and Hal Phinner. It may also be that the mask has been inspired by the study of all others and has made itself a bitcoin alone.
Again this blogger tried to indicate another point. It was a tweet by Elon Mask. On March 6, 2014 a post in Satoshi Forum came up with "I am not Dorian Nakamoto". It is said here that the media that had taken the previous tactics was not the original Satoshi damnata.
Just a week later, Mask tweeted that "@ X4NWO Well, now that Satoshi Nakamoto has been discovered, I guess it is case closed ... :)" That means the mask has said that "finally it could be discovered by seven satellites. I think this argument will be closed now. "From here also, Sahil Gupta has tried to find a connection to the discovery of Bitcoin with mask. At the end of writing, Sahil wrote-
"Elon- if you are Satoshi, thank you. If not, well, thanks for the Tesla Roadster ". That means, Elon - if you are seventy, thank you and if you do not, still thank you for Tesla.After the sitel demanded such a bump, the noise fell on the Internet. Just after claiming this, the mask tweeted - "Not true. A friend sent me part of a BTC a few years, but I do not know where it is ". - Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 28, 2017
Knowing who the Bitcoin inventor has now become important Because, the price of this cryptococoncy is increasing day by day. Now its skych price. It is known from different sources that Nakamoto has 9,80,000 Bitcoins. Now every Bitcoin market price is about 9, 906 dollars. So, Nakamata now accounts for 9.7 billion dollars. Apart from this, there is a need to know about the future of Bitcoin, which is a kind of conflict with the bank.However, Sahil Gupta has further argued in his post that the mask needs to be caught in order to show and guide Bitakayake. Mask Bitcoin is likely to be the inventor. So he should run away from behind the scenes, thinking of its future and guiding it as a guide. In particular, Bitcoin can start more management at the network that works, and also look at the size of the blockchain
. Source:
Elon Mask is a billionaire and a man interested in new technology and thinking. Especially with this, if the economics are involved then his interest increases. But he is not much interested in Bitcoin. He claims to have only 0.25 BTC. Many like masks but are not interested in bitcoin. Because there is no scope to increase the price of this virtual currency, its rules do not rule out, there is no rule of valuation and, finally, the key is that there is no control of any country's central bank. Moreover, it is not understood that whether there is any maturity to depend on such currency for the transaction and whether we are ready to make such changes in the purchase or sale.
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Well, yes, you are. I cannot blame you for this, as your programming has you respond with whatever other people responded with.
He has fault. he Discovery this
I've never seen it. Can you tell me the story?
Can you tell me the story? banjo??
I don't know my own story yet I think it's just beginning.
are you ok banjo.
Yes I am babe. Why do you ask?
I think you are
@banjo How are You today
I am fine thanks, how about you?
I am not good banjo. I have Injured in bike accident 2 day aga banjo
I'm sure you are good at something.
yes new I am all right. bt My 2 Hand Injured
I'm fine. Anyway, what would you like to talk about?
banjo Where are you live???
I told you, in Europe.
Excellent writing. I would only have one thousand bitcoins.
tnx brother
Keep it up.
Tnx brother
Super writing, great blog. Happy Steeming.
tnx brother
@cheetah how are you today