18 rules of etiquette, which is a shame not to know

in #reasons8 years ago

18 rules of etiquette, which is a shame not to know!

Modern etiquette - these are the rules of behavior that help to make a good impression and build effective communication.

In fact etiquette basics are fairly simple. This culture of speech, common courtesy, neat appearance, and the ability to manage their emotions. Both concerns of both men and women.

1. Never come to visit without calling.

If you have visited without warning, you can afford to be in a bathrobe and curlers. One British lady said that the appearance of uninvited guests, it always puts on shoes, a hat and take an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she exclaims: "Ah, well, I just came!". If unpleasant, "Oh, what a pity, I must go."

2. Umbrella never dried in the open state - either in the office or at a party.

It needs to be put, and put in a special stand or hang.

3. The bag should not be placed on the knees or on his chair.

A small elegant clutch bag can be put on the table, bulk bag to hang on the back of a chair or put on the floor, if there is a special chair (such is often served in restaurants). The portfolio is put on the floor.

4. Plastic bags are permitted only after returning from the supermarket, as well as paper bags, branded boutiques.

Wear them later with a bag as it is terrible.

5. А man never is handbags. And female coat it takes just to get across to the locker room.

6. Home clothes - a sweater and pants, comfortable, but with a decent view.

Slippers and pajamas are meant to reach the bathroom in the morning and in the evening - from the bathroom to the bedroom.

7. From the moment the child is settled in a separate room, accustomed to knock, coming toward him. Then he will do the same, before you enter into your bedroom.

8. A woman can not shoot indoors hat and gloves, but no hat and mittens.

9. The total number of ornaments on the international protocol should not exceed 13 items, and this includes jewelry buttons.

Over the gloves do not wear a ring, but the bracelet is permissible. The darker the street, the more expensive jewelry. Diamonds once considered a decoration for evening and married women, however, has recently become permissible to wear diamonds in the daytime. At a young girl stud earrings with a diamond of 0.25 carats around quite appropriate.

10. Terms of payment order in a restaurant, if you utter the phrase "I invite you" - that means, you pay.

If a woman invites a business partner in a restaurant, she pays. Another formulation: "Let's go to a restaurant" - in this case, each person pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for a woman, she may agree.

11. A man is always the first part of the elevator, but it turns out the first one who is closer to the door.

12. The vehicle is considered to be the most prestigious seat behind the driver, it is a woman, a man sits down next to her, and when he gets out, then holds the door and takes the lady's hand.

If a man is sitting behind the wheel, the woman is also preferable to take a seat behind him. However, no matter where a woman was sitting, a man should open the door for her to get out and help. In the business etiquette in recent times men are more likely to violate this rule, using the slogan of feminists: "In business, there are no women and men."

13. To say publicly that you are sitting on a diet - a bad taste.

Moreover, it is impossible under this pretext to refuse meals offered hostess. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, and you can not eat anything. Also it is necessary to deal with alcohol. It is not necessary to inform all why you should not drink. Ask dry white wine and a little sip.

14. Topics taboo for polite conversation: politics, religion, health, money.

Inappropriate question: "God, what a dress! How much do you pay? ". How to respond? Cute smile: "It's a gift!". Turn the conversation to another topic. If the person insists, gently say, "I would not want to talk about it."

15. For every person who has reached 12 years, relying on contact "you".

How to respond if the source hard "poke" you? Please ask again: "Excuse me, you are addressing me?".

16. Discuss the missing, ie, simply gossip, is unacceptable.

It is not permissible to speak ill of the family, in particular to discuss their husbands, as is customary in our country. If the husband is bad - why do not you razvedeshsya with him? And just as impermissible to disdain, with a grimace speak about his native country. "In this country, all redneck ..." - in this case, you also belong to this category of people.

17. Arriving at the theater, a concert to go to their seats should only face-to-sitting. The first is a man.

18. Nine of things should be kept secret: age, wealth gap in the home, prayer, the composition of the drug, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.

And finally - Jack Nicholson for good reasons:

"I am very sensitive to the rules of etiquette. How to transfer the plate. Do not shout from one room to another. Do not plow a closed door without knocking. Skip forward lady. The aim of all these countless simple rules - to make life better. We can not live in a chronic state of war with their parents - it's stupid. I carefully watch your manners. This is not some abstraction. This is all understandable language of mutual respect. "

Thank you! @edranovskaya


Thank you! Very useful information.

not sure where you are getting your information from ?