
in #reality8 years ago (edited)

Blogging random things about random events have never been my strongest point.
Specially when i have to do it knowing that someone might actually read it and i probably should have something meaningfull to say.

Im actively posting on Facebook as my main social media. There my posts are usually, bursting all-over-the-place with pictures that somehow might give me laughs or happiness. That i plan to also do here, just mostly in writing.

Maybe, there is a way to make it fun to read so i just try this and hopefully i get something out of this and so does someone else. I might not write perfect english, or any other language for that matter.. Not even grammarly decent but i dont care as long as the point is there (in case there should be one).

I might write about my personal experiences just to pass time, during classes or sitting in train like now. just to prevent myself from being bored out of my mind and to look like i actually have something important going on here! heheheheh.

maybe, i should start by telling you something about my self so you (my honored reader/follower/hater/future lover/whatever) know whos text and mindblasts you are about to read!

Im a music enthusiast, DJ and a newcomer in producing some weird tunes by myself also. I have been playing here and there for last 15years as a way to make people dance and smile, while having new experiences of cutting edge psychedelic music here, in Funland where my headquarters are! Organising and promoting events is my lifes work, i'd say. Even if it requires so much energy and assets, money and time +++++ its still giving me so much more, something i cant even measure in wealth.

Since 2010 i have had nice ups and downs in my music career, and i have also had to cut down on doing events and gigs for best reason there is, which is my lovely daughter. She has brought so much happiness and inspiration to my life that im more than happy to spend every possible moment with her.

Now, this being the case, i have a lovely family and passion for making likeminded people to have fun and experience some sort of unity and happiness. maybe its time for putting some effort here and also share the experiences i have had in my small scene and life in general, with you, someone who might find it interesting!

hopefully this new blog hobby makes you discover some new toughts to apply in your everydaylife and give you some joy!

thank you already for reading and even more for following!