Is Darkness relevant without Light:Inspired by Isaiah 45:7

in #reality6 years ago (edited)

Where there is light there is shadow.

I recently had some thoughts on my mind. I think about the life I live and although I am not religious I wonder if I am living an honorable life. On the other had I do not know if what was told to me to be honorable is indeed just that. For all I know a custom of mine could be wrong and I would have no idea. It could also possibly be something that is disabling from experiencing something amazing since really.. what is right and what is wrong.

Good is what you like evil is what you don't like I for example do not like monogamy. I was open to a monogamous relationship under the right circumstance but my idea of love is "wrong" to the majority, I said majority I know there are others like me, of the population. I feel we should not box up love. I feel it disables us from being who we truly are. Into days world, it usually brings unwanted expectations, stress, and stops a lot of us from following our path. So am I evil or what I was told as good is evil. Just an example of how we live our lives with expectations searching for what we been told will fulfill us and deem us acceptable to society. Depression derives from this, anxiety, suicide, the list could go on and on. All in trying to be what society says we should be. Good.

Evil cannot exist without good or perhaps neither can exist without the other. Without Good what can we compare it to for judgement. The duality in which we live here is a constant battle between good and evil. Think of it as a lamp. The shadow can only be cast when the light shines. Without the light it will cease to exist. It's void so to speak. There is no way to remove the shadow. It's always there. I feel the same may apply to the human spirit and us as light beings. Where is the shadow we cast and what if we are the shadow? Where is the light being shining to create us, our higher self perhaps? Could this be another reference giving hints to a holographic world. I feel the clues are everywhere and they're ours to decipher. Is GOD the grand light that cast the shadow in which exist.

I do not believe in the God of religion who rewards good yet punishes the evil. I feel the God worshiped in most religion is not the true GOD if words could ever even be given to our source of life. I do not think we are punished, I do believe in Karma and Dharma of our spirit. The natural laws of the universe the most popular one being the law of attraction. I was told one time that the God of the bible is not what the church tells them. Gods a vengeful jealous god. He does hate. I was like WHAAAAA? hahaha. Yet to him it was no laughing matter. He has every right to his beliefs. One book read but interpreted so many ways. I do not believe in hating anyone. I feel we are all equal and one. There is no chosen people of God and it was set in the bible in order to keep us divided and controlled by whatever alien race created us. That's another blog for another time. I also do not feel we are rewarded. It’s the energy of our mind and emotions that flows out and therefore attracts "rewards". Same as punishment. We reward and punish ourselves. The duality of evil and good is beautiful. Free will to create as we please. Yet we spend it suppressing our spirit and minds.

Keep in mind this bible verse:

The One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; >
I am the LORD who does all these

Isaiah 45:7


It is up to us to determine what is our truth. What is right for us. Only then I feel we can grow and eventually become one in the source of life GOD again. I have faith in humanity that with this knowledge we will see the wrong in the darkness and ascend to the light.


You have a minor typo in the following sentence:

Into days world, it usually brings unwanted expectations, stress, and stops alot of us from following out path.
It should be a lot of instead of alot of.

You're awesome grammernazi. LOL.