in #real8 years ago

The Woman plays an important role in every field of life. She can bear everything with patience and bravery. She is also considered one of the precious in the world, in other words, she is worthless. She can do everything with brave front, and she also look after her family as well. Woman should have equal space and rights. The Trail of her life is full of compromise and scarifies. We can say woman is the name of scarifies and compromise. She is lovely creature of the Lord. 


Women play many difficult roles in this world, without women the world is nothing.

Women play an important role in family as daughter, sister, wife, and mother. 

She looks after her family.

She gives birth to child.

She becomes host.

She works continuously for 24 hours without any cost. 

Still what she gets…….nothing?  She does everything for her family and what she gets in return nothing….. She takes care of her husband and his family and she just want his love in returns…..        

Here I want to tell you a real story of a woman; I don’t mention the name of that woman. When she was a child her parents loved her and took care. As time passed she grows and finished her studies. Her parents decided that now she gets married. They choose a man for her. They thought she will be happy with him. But who knows that her life going to be changed. Because after marriage she found her husband very bad. He hit her and shouts like a owner. She was living her life like a servant.  The time passed and she gave birth to a baby. She wept to saw a baby girl. Because she did not want to pass her woman luck. She scared, because her husband did not respect the woman. Now they have a girl. A daughter is always respect and honor for her father.    To Be Continue……..                         �Ȕ��c