real story:The kidnapping of a citizen -Islam- and his search for his family .. Did he find his family?

in #real7 years ago (edited)


                               Real Story:The kidnapping of "Islam".

                  and his journey to search for his family.. Did he find them? 

Introduction :



A real story about the suffering of an Egyptian man called "Islam" has been kidnapped, and he and his kidnapper kidnapped him in her house and kidnapped two other children to be with her own family as she is "deaf" to have children .. I will give you in the rings .. I will begin the investigative report published on Thursday, December 17, 1992, p. 16 and 17, in the newspaper "Akhbar al-Hawadat", when his kidnapper "Azizah" was arrested and her sister and her husband .. And wait for me will cut the story of "Islam" and the journey of his search for his family .. Is it found or still looking? !! That's the surprise .. ******************************************************      




 The first episode :  

                               " Ria and Sakina"** In Sinai!!

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              !! Kidnapping gang arrested .. that horrified mothers for years!   · 

              · Mostafa returned to his mother .. but what about 

                        ( Islam and Hisham) 

 · · The end of two sisters .. Hate mothers which have children!!   ====== =========================================    The North Sinai Investigation put an end to the new Ria and Sakina gang, preparing to kidnap another child from his mother !!  The gang, consisting of a couple of poor men and the wife's sister, was arrested along with three children who were abducted from their mothers as infants. Including two children abducted from Alexandria 10 years ago and the third kidnapped from his mother in Arish two years ago. The story of the arrest of the new Raya and Sakinah gang began in March 1991, from a mother to Colonel Omar Jaafar, the current inspector of Al-Arish, who was then head of the second section of Al-Arish. The mother said in her communication that a woman she identified in the market carrying her infant, Mustafa "He was 40 years old and told her that her name is" Iman "and she works in social affairs ... and she knows poor women ... to check their cases and provide them with health care and employ them in jobs that help them face life!  The mother rejoiced and went to her house to examine the life of her family and the rest of her children, and took with her gifts and sweets for the rest of the children .. At home met the husband and works carpenter and thanked her husband for helping them.  On the next day .. The mother was taken to the doctor next to the position of El-Arish to be examined by a doctor to provide her with the job, and the mother entered the doctor to examine her and left her child with the alleged "Emma" .. And went out minutes later to discover her disappearance with the child !!

And because this communication is strange in the Sinai of the scarcity of child abduction crimes .. The security men spread in the streets to track the accused .. The distribution of a crooked sketch of all the inhabitants of Arish.  And continued the search more than a month .. With the tears of the tormented mother who was storming the office of Brigadier Abdel Fattah Salam, director of investigations Arish complain of the torment and pain of freezing breast milk in her chest and poor health, whenever she remembered her baby to a baby far from her lap, can not sleep or face and her When adults ask her: Where is our brother mother ? "Why did my brother hurt?"  The mother of the poor mother entered the hospital several times to provide her with health care. Then the research stopped and the mother and the father said: "We have compensated God for our son. He has been lost forever."  · Sterile(Aker ) and 3 children!

 Last week, information reached Colonel Omar Jaafar, the inspector of the investigation management in Police Department , confirmed that the neighbors in the neighborhood of Abu Saqqal are suspicious of a couple who are treated for infertility. However, they have three children. The wife is also said to be pregnant in the fourth month. Neighbors said they complain That these children are kidnapped!  And immediately presented this information to Brigadier General Abdel Fattah Salam, Director of Investigation and General Talat Bassiouni Assistant Minister Minister of Man .. It was decided to form a research team under the supervision of Colonel Samir Shata, head of the detective and Omar Jaafar and Almqd Abdul Karim Benhawi and Major Emad Abulhasan and Major Hisham Zoghbi and surprised with surprises surprised strange and amazing  A sterile wife and her husband did not have children any more  .. The wife told her her neighbors and her husband's family, " I will have a baby after 9 monthes  .. I'm pregnancy  She put an old clothes around her belly to swell !!   The question was: Why is the wife called pregnant and she is a poor woman and she and her husband do not have the testimony of the doctors who are hesitant about them?  At the same time, the only file opened with the report of the abduction of a baby from his mother two years ago, and the mother was summoned and asked about the descriptions of the woman who kidnapped her son. The mother said: I can take it after one hundred years from the middle of a million people .. A flash image of the son and deprive him impossible to erase From my memory !!  After the investigation confirmed that they were in front of a serious gang to kidnap children, Major General Fadi al-Habashi, head of the Interior Ministry's investigation department, and General Hilmi al-Fiki, director of public security, were informed.  The instructions came in the need to make sure that the accused is a husband and her husband, before presenting them to the victim and before presenting them to forensic medicine .. Indeed, the wife and her husband and the wife's sister were arrested .. Then she was presented to a senior gynecologist before any accusation. Examined by the doctor apparently, did not complete the examination .. And wrote his report that this mother did not give birth in her life at all !!  After that, it was presented to the mother who was killed in the office of Brigadier General Abdul Fattah Salam, the director of the investigation. The meeting was exciting. The defendant was asked in a patent: Why do you do this to me and scare my poor children? Is this possible in your mother tongue? Official birth certificates .. Why all this torment, mercy and mercy of my children from your doubts Phantom ?? !! Before she ended her innocent speech  ..

 · face to face  

She carried the little child Mohammed, attached to her neck and found herself face to face with the mother of the victim .. She tried to put her head and face in the chest of the child who clung to her neck .. And she woke up on the enormous cry of the victim's mother. She attacked her, trying to extract the child from her lap, although she lost him a baby of 40 days, but the features did not change much after he grew up and about to complete  the two years !   And clung to the child as well .. She said to her is forbidden to you this son Mohammed .. While the victim's mother screamed in hysteria : " No, he is my son Mustafa , I have his birth certificate .. It is unfair, You kidnapp my sun .. you forbidden me from the the bosom of my son .. Your image engraved inside My head and eyes of her and .. Why did this B .. Fainted on the victim's mother after screaming hysterical .. Then surprised the child on the neck of the accused and diving in her lap Mstngda stark Mama .. Mama .. Leave me alone .. Haraam you !!   The interrogators took the mother of the victim to the hospital for treatment .. They sat in front of the fake mother in confusion .. What are they doing in front of this situation .. And Assaddt accused and screamed .. How do you want to remove the son of my lap .. From you to God !!      

· Husband' Surprise

 And separated each of the accused in a single room and questioned alone .. The wife insists on denial and adherence to her children .. And some conflicting statements about the place of birth of the child who is fighting with the mother of the victim .. It turns out that she did not give birth at all .. And pressure on the husband happy admit and admit that his wife She did not have a child all her life, and she was barren and he was sterile and so was her elder sister, who was divorced and divorced from her husband for this reason .. and that for many years he was surprised by his wife and sister every time they come with babies and do not know where they come from or where to go .. And that the three children like the rest With them ..   He added: My wife has issued official certificates by name and name to take our children to us. I have not been able to stop or prevent the two sisters from the crimes of kidnapping children .. After I was with them with the issuance of birth certificates for the kidnapped children by naming me the father of the children .. and that my wife and sister years ago when we were in the neighborhood of Hadra in Alexandria, I was not in a position to oppose them!   My wife and sister are so strong that they are much heavier than Ria and Sakina, who kidnapped women and killed them 60 years ago. Sometimes they would solve them for every crime they commit to call each other wild and sad, but for children, not women!  

· · The first crime !! 

 Faced with the wife accused of "Aziza" confessions of her husband .. collapsed weeping echoing, "the length of his life is a man who is tired and a neighbor that my end will be on his hand."   She began to tell her about her crimes and handed the child Muhammad to his real mother, who until this moment does not believe that her child has returned to her.   It is interesting that the accused recommended the real mother to the child .. and apologized to her for her crime and asked her to browse about them and to allow her to see him every period .. because she also will suffer to break it !!!   And took recognition of the crime of kidnapping the other children who lived with them for ten years as their mother .. And met with them "news incidents," which drop in recognition of the exciting .. She said:   The eldest "Islam" built is now 10 years old in a fourth year. The story of his kidnapping was in Alexandria and it was because my husband and I had children while he was sleeping. I too was dying when I saw a pregnant woman walking on the road or carrying her baby in her lap. , And I saw the lust for revenge from every mother .. Why am I alone deprived of motherhood and they enjoy pregnancy and childbirth and breastfeed their children .. It is a gift from God and why I deprive them alone ?!   My husband encouraged me to kidnap a child we adopted after calibrating my neighbors in the Hadra district in which I was staying. At that time my neighbor was always treating me as a poor person. We gave 9 months to my wife and two brothers to carry out the crime of kidnapping the first child. 10 years ago, I heard among my neighbors that I was "pregnant" and every month I would increase my abdominal distension by putting some clothes on it   Until the ninth month of childbirth and I went out with my husband and my sister in the hospital in Alexandria, in Anabralala, about a newborn child .. I did not like children in most hospitals .. Ahmed Maher Hospital is very crowded and also hospital "Cihan Sadat" ..  

· Story of Islam

 In the hospital "Shatby" came to serve me .. I entered alone and waited my husband and my sister abroad, and on the door of the hospital I met the mother of the child "Islam" carrying her baby, and took her out of the hospital after one day and was a beautiful lady and thin and beautiful yellow hair .. I did not know her .. and discovered that she was stressed from birth and in a serious condition, and threw herself on my chest prostrate me and there was no one!   I asked her eagerly: Malik where are your husband? Where is your husband? My husband said he was locked up in prison and I came to my first child to get him. But I was very tired.   I took the child and went knocking on the door of the hospital violently until the doctors came out and shouted at them a lot on their negligence in Umm Islam .. And how to get them out of the hospital in this serious case .. They took me and closed the door in my face and left me alone and the child with me .. , To my wife and my sister .. We took the streets of Alexandria until midnight and we entered our house at night, and closed it on us and I screamed pain birth and healthy neighbors to know that I gave birth to my first child .. And worked for him the largest quarters in the neighborhood and recorded video .. And Astjrgt him a birth certificate in the name of Islam Said .. my son !     

· The story of the twin 

And the accused completes her confession: After three years I have seen the lack of success .. I felt nostalgia for another child and I agreed, my husband and my sister to repeat the crime .. As I did earlier I felt that I was pregnant and blew belly clothes until the date of birth .. We went directly to the hospital Shatby .. And inside the dormitory Birth I met a beautiful lady with a twin who had been born just hours ago. She told me that she was poor and her husband was a simple railway employee. They had many children and God wanted to honor them with twins. She was very tired. I told her that I knew the Cihan Sadat Hospital and there they would give you care for your care and food, and I could help her get it. And I took her to her house and visited her several times and took her a week to the hospital, it is difficult to take the twin children and deprive them .. I pointed out to accompany us one child and leave the other with his brothers.   And at the door of Cihan Sadat Hospital .. I asked her to come in to give her treatment after her examination and leave the child to me .. I immediately ran away with my husband and my sister and we went to our house in the middle of the night, I wake up in the morning to tell them that I was born at my relatives, Official birth of Hisham Saeed and I have two children.   After a period of time I sold my house to my neighbor who gave me a little child. I went to El Arish to live with my husband's parents who love to have a lot of children and under their pressure they kidnapped the third child. Also under their pressure I was prepared to kidnap the fourth child " a girl " after I had roused them for months. .. I prepared for the crime, but the detectives came to me before implementation.   In front of Mahmoud Ruslan, the director of the Arish prosecution, the Ria and Sakina gang recognized the details of their crimes and ordered the prosecution to hand over the child, Mustafa, who called the defendant Mohammed to his mother and to hold the accused in custody. Pictures of defendants in the media to identify them .. The mothers kidnapped their children.


                                     Hala Mohamed Omar

                                        Egyptian Writer   


**Ria and Sakina are two women make a gang to kill women in 1920 at Al Hadera in            Alexandria in  Egypt      u