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RE: Randomized gifting

in #reading7 years ago

The easiest way to get back into reading, I think, is to go to a library (no money down = no pressure), pick a subject you're interested in, and just browse the shelves. If something jumps out at you, take it down and read the first few pages.

If it doesn't grab you, put it back and keep looking. If nothing in that particular subject grabs you, try another topic. Don't feel like you have to read "great literature" (whatever that is), or whatever Oprah just talked about, or the book your friends just finished reading for their book club. The reward for reading for pleasure should be pleasure, not to check off that you read Ulysses or Moby Dick or Crime and Punishment before you died. :)

There's also something to be said for looking at what is popular now, and what was popular in the past. Series like "Harry Potter", "The Hunger Games", and yes, even "Twilight" and "Fifty Shades of Grey" sold tens of millions of copies for a reason. Snobbery is for fools and hipsters, and don't be ashamed or afraid to follow the masses if you're enjoying yourself. :)


AH! I live in a country where there are no libraries. (Cambodia)
No joke. I have borrowed books from friends and I am always at page 30