Raw Vegan Grocery Haul - $45

in #rawvegan8 years ago (edited)

Good morning, Steemians!

My wife and I decided that we want to start eating more raw foods. During hurricane Irma, we ate a lot of rice, cereal, and other very cheap and sometimes more processed foods. Having those types of foods around was vital for survival; foods that would store well for extended periods of time.

Now, we are not faced with such a threat, and we both agree that we feel our best eating raw vegan/whole food/plant- based. I decided that I wanted to try to eat about 90% of my diet from raw food. My digestion, my mood, and overall how I feel are just elevated when I'm eating more raw foods. I just bought a big container of coffee, so I'm still going to be drinking coffee in the morning. Another food that I think is pretty important to my diet are beans. Since I am allergic to all nuts, I still am going to eat cooked beans, but I think this is going to be one of the only cooked foods I allow myself to eat at least for the time being. I'm going to try my hardest to stay away from rice, bread, pasta, etc. and stick to more whole foods.

I know it's going to be more expensive and I know it's going to be harder for me to get the same amount of calories in. Knowing this, I'm still up for the challenge.

This is a picture of what we picked up from Publix this morning totaling $45.


Bananas are probably the cheapest and most calorie dense raw food ever. My diet might consist of upwards of 50% bananas. I'm ok with that. I want this to be nutritional yet economical at the same time.

I remember how much greens cost, so we're going to continue to try to grow as many of our own greens as we can. This one-pound tub of mixed greens cost seven dollars. I'm probably going to have a salad at the end of each day with tomatoes maybe a little bit of onion, cucumbers, cilantro, etc.

I know that the juice that we bought might be cooked, but I'm also OK with that.

Anyway, I thought I would just share the news and change in my diet basically.

Thanks for stopping by, Steemians!


Fruit and veggies seem​ to be good for the soul, makes me calm and happy!

Hi! I'm happy to choose this post for my "Care To Read "Crossword Puzzle Contest No. 3. I'm posting a link to this post in all my posts related to this contest. I hope it will send some more traffic to your post.

Thank you for writing awesome content!

Hey why not grow a banana tree? They are not too hard to get started from what I hear and they can produce really well, even indoors I've heard you can do dwarf.

You must be new to my page :) I am a fruit farmer and have many bananas!

holy shit that's a lot of 'nana ! (-:

Haha yeah but if I just eat 5 a day and my wife does too that's only 2 days!

whoa, your post just blew up dude, nice (-:

I saw that! Someone at @blocktrades likes raw vegan :D Thanks @blocktrades!!!

Oh wow 45$ is quite much. I get a box of bananas (18kg) for 36€. Where do you live?

I live in south Florida. There are probably better places for me to buy wholesale fruits and veg, but for us, Publix is literally 3 minutes away so it makes sense. I will have to ask about whole boxes because I used to get a deal at Jewel Osco up in Illinois.

Thanks for this. What do you mean by the juice being cooked?

Many juices are heated for pasteurization. This is what I mean by "cooked."

OK gotcha. Does it then lose its nutritional value?

Somewhat yes!

Which parts of the nutrition mostly?

That I don't know.

Just curious. Thanks for connecting on here. I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!! 😝 😛

Bananas and jackfruit will be the most nutritious food in the world if food disaster occurs. @vegansilverstack

You could try avacado? It's calorie and nutrition dense!!

great work! keep it up!