Hold on to you lil self-righteousnesssteemCreated with Sketch.

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I love focus, it's one of my best friends. To my surprise I found that my inner man is infinitly focused,so focused any action that I take is mundane to him. As I came into this world to enrich our (me and myself) experience, there is no wrong in anything I do. The more of these what we call mistakes I do the better. This is true to the extend of variability,in that everything that I go wrong in creates infinite levels of explorations by my inner man, how unique are these explorations? In all of existence only I can make these and bring them to life, the more suffering a pure heart endures, the sweeter these explorations are. This is mainly because we do not know how to really be fully our bad selves in this time and space as it is filled with feeling of the lower vibrationals. My inner man on the other hand does not have these lower vibrations, he is almost overly positive. He would fuck you up with the most positive smile to exist. What does this make me? A major target to especially those falling under my inner man, because I'm out here not knowing anything, well I really do not know anything. I got an audience of hundreds maybe thousands, some applying make up on me for whatever reason, some of them inspiring these kind out energy outputs, and most of the others have enjoyed years on years of running me around making sure I do not succeed. So what is about these beings and encouraging failure so much that we are presently coming to an end of one of their worldwide scams? Is it that the black plaque was really that different from the cold or the earthquakes and tsunamis? It's not all about the inhibited successes, it's about the beautiful energy filled juices at the climax of the extremes that are just so priceless, the residual can then be shared around but the climax is a collector's juice. This juice has a unique window that if you understand its nature and cultivate yourself a lifestyle around yourself instead of around water, you will learn about the alixur of life or the philosopher's stone. It is you, you are the philosopher's stone the trick is to harness the power from within you and rejuvenate yourself in a way that keeps the outside world and energy forces from eating at you. As you know that with every breath you take you lose parts of you, finding the alixur means that instead of losing these part you, you gain with every breath but not to size up rather to power up and let it manifest the way it would unbothered and uninhibited by your own being or any part of you. No man has been able to achieve this in all of time. Hence why they keep hording and keeping you underachieving, because their mentality is of scarcity even in the dimension of abundance they still yearn for more. This is not specified to anyone person because it is beyond this world. This is something as old as the universe. For one to sleep and as their spirit is yanked out their body their body actually lays vulnerable, prone to all kinds of violations. What's the mindset behind this violation? Scarcity, uninspired view derived from fears and illusions created during awakening.


Believe it enough and it is true, let the world believe it enough and wow it's more than true, so true that the next guy is susceptible to believing that that's the only reality there is of lack and finite resources that in order to get ahead you need to take it from the next guy. I truth when you take you disrespect the greatness in you by putting someone else in that place. That is you confessing to yourself and to the world that this one being here is the embodiment of your fears so much because you can't control so mislead into what is seen as failure with the alternative motive of juicing out the beautiful extreme juices for they are truly unique. It's like mini circles of confusion, but the other truth is that it's all light work far from the real truth but it's what you are made to believe. There is the one writing the other end of this articulation so smoothly and passionately you'll question why or how it comes to be that one has the ability to actually manifest such hardship in projection. why one is going through this gift of life so blindfolded, extremely forcing the gas pedal while at the same time the clutch and break too? Suchness really is the question to the soul under such a trance but it's only valuable if the soul in question actually knows. It's all in the knowing and because you might not know, they will use you to get more knowledge. Sure you will have that knowledge too but it remains mostly only the spiritual side of your being. Everything you find out here is merely to jumpstart massive progressive experiences in the spirit as you sleep. That is the use of the no time zone to infinitly explore every bit that you put your mind to. I was rather alright writing about something else that brought me joy but that's more fitted for this platform, however far this knowledge extends. There was something within me that brought me a cocktail of feelings to get me here and now that we are here I might as well thank you and hope that this is of help to you. For all I know your spirit is in distress to relate to the likes of me. On my level I am worry less, I have overcome worry and care for most of this world at times I find myself indulging into my self esteem to power up my dreams then I realise that the invisible beings around me, guarding me just observing how I progress with my thoughts and what I'm busy bringing forth. They then closely and keenly through the sense of hearing and perception deduct the bestest times to whisk me off to what we call sleep which is indeed the waking into the other dimension but there is a difference.


There's an artist I love listening to, by the name Damian Jnr Gong Marley, he features Nas, another artist on this track titled Patience. In this track, Nas questions the spell that mankind is under.

Another track by Damian Jnr Gong Marley is Affairs of the heart, where he goes on singing that some only have the courage and don't see the fears, some say I love and only pretend to care.

This is the youngest son of the legendary Bob Marley. The liberated willpower runs in the blood, although they are very different people they inspire me to see and view everything and everyone for who they are. There's a something I love to see in everything and that is the gift, the gift of life, the gift of uniqueness in every single frame of this smoothed out film. Every jiffy is a gift only that jiffy can give the world and no two jiffies will ever be same not in theory or practice.

You might have heard them tell you that you are slow untalented or what not, worse you believe, even more worse you have been awakened to even more illusions of believing that you have to such up to people in order to make it. What's really making it? What's it? This it that we so bad want to make, don't we realize that this it is us? This it is me, this it is you. Do you get it? That you fall in the same trap? Yes you might be small but are you also not everything else?

Why choose to always be the servant? In turn help create more servants, out of the very people you desire to protect. Now you have changed completely you have them make you do make shift gigs to get by and that's what you call being woke.


While they still fuck with you behind your back, they put hexes, vexes and all kinds of spiritual afflictions on you and God forbid you disconnect from that because of the indoctrination. You want to truly believe that in all your powerful selves are not able to disconnect, recharge fully and connect as you like. Yes you do it? That's indeed very cool to know because on the joke side of the game people are dying because they are toyed with like mice in a maze, after filling up with all kinds of toxins to make them more obedient without even knowing it, the MSGs, the fluoride, the mercury, the so much pollution that's exerted on the human spirit on the constant basis.

Yes we are braver, stronger and more able to put out such voice, its progress but after how long? And where are they that made it out first? Are they not the ones causing the indoctrination now? Inspiring all types of fears and illusions? Yes it becomes tasteless but we came into this time and space not to waste time on this, but to have life as a lituation in never ending litness but if you choose to believe in yourself they will tell you that it's all good, it's ok. They will know nothing until you spend that night then you start seeing them superbly comfortable with you, turns out they had spend the night having astral sex with you. More ass sex than straight sex actually, then if you do make them uncomfortable in some way by not accepting their love offerings then you have declared war or what seems like war. They will now sell you short to whoever is near for they are sellouts just like that. There's nothing more cute than their hidden tandrum under their boiling selves ass they hold the freak out within and plot to have you in your sleep. What's the best way to do this? To share you around as much as possible. Why? To render your blueprint obsolete why? Because it's better than theirs and enlightened you is just ooops, if you have fallen for this then there's better days. This all comes down to the belief that you have in you, even if they wanted to they won't even share you with half of the world much less anything above 3-4 % of the world. That's almost half a billion.


Once you get these numbers and realise that there's been an invite number of living beyond what time we have recorded you will be filled with so much piece that as much as they'd like to render your blueprint obsolete all you have to do is hold your ground. I promise you they got nothing on you. They will tell you how small you are but the truth is that they need to suckle on your juicy energy to keep up with that. In standing your ground you let them know that you are just as valuable as you were when you came into this world.

So it has happened that all your life they used you to carry out all kinds of fucked up acts right? All that stealing, thieving, fucking up people's and other beings' progressions right? Across dimensions or national boundaries. Which in turn causes your record to be dirtified right? Easy fix but there's actual footage, memories and markings on you that when they see you acrosseas they know you and they want payback. How to address this? Stand your ground. You wake up to bullshit and you want to forget how powerful you are? Simply because you have been used to commit questionable acts by the same beings that persecute you? What kind of fuckery is this? You watched Thor? How he calls his hummer at him, that's faith belief in oneself, in the things unseen. Have you gone through your day having memories playback fast and as time went by the memories slowed down? Ever wonder what that was? Them shopping through your memory like they always did and most likely they made you reset your contacts so that your spirit man is not fully able to call them but through memory searches they are able to go back to every single one of your people and do whatever funny acts they had planned out? Make the person believe that you refuse to kiss ass, that you do not want to get fucked in the ass but instead listening to your inner feelings as the radar, the compass that according to the stars as you have studied them a bit but they erase or make you forget these things everytime you sleep so it's even more difficult now to even recall the elementary quadratic equations right? Wonder why all that has happened to such a powerful being? A God? It's all these things that makes one wonder about the true way of life. Even with the little wisdom we have acquired to know that we know nothing,but also having accumulated enough strength to fuck up a system then recover it almost single handedly. It's a mad paradox that begs one's truth to be released.

Perfectly timed to sleep a couple of hours before midnight, the spirit gets compelled while the body is filled with all kinds of junk juice to blot out all nonsense to ensure that enough noise is made to keep up the act for at least 24 hours so that when you are left by yourself and choose to go on your way they have "legal" spiritual right to follow and force into more noise to endless cycles like the likes that lead you out into the deserts. Looking at it from here it's certainly is nothing to regret and the voice busy pushing this through is questionable in that with the confidence boost I wonder if they achieve what they really want because my methods of fucking up are fully and whole heartedly unorthodox. I don't give a fuck and that's my nature, they all know this. To make me give a fuck they'd pump me with all kinds of toxins most especially the Fluoride. The thing with these toxins is that if you own them you won't really see or feel how fucked up they are because your narrow vision will have you believe that you are doing the right thing or that they will recover. Well yeah motherfuckers I will recover, I did recover for I am a giant, an eagle, a lion, the dragon of heroes, I'm it that one that put you on your pedestals but now it time I tell y'all to just do it. There is no way in heaven or hell that I'll cooperate with such vibes, yes we communed in the past but as long as you clearly hear the voice directing me to do this and still blame me for shit I know nothing about we will never ever commune. Not in my right mind, it's in my sleep that you have to come at me. The worst is that I'm not alone, even worse will be if I do not get out of this country.

There's another story around this, some mad sabotages that happened that lead to me losing my possessions including my wonderful travel documents. But what does it matter when all that is fully recoverble, yes spirit is busy pressing me to put out how I plan on changing my name. But for sure I will change my name as an actual acceptance of challenge by spirit, and I will push till I get my way out of this country if I have to walk out then I will. It's not a mindset of denial or attachment. To an overthinker it's solutions and when an overthinker stops thinking, only solutions are left like gold or diamonds sieved from dirt. The value is too massive. Even with the sphere somewhat dicreased it still remains that there is no fear. At all. And they don't seem to get it that once I've been there, and through that I see through you and every other time you pull your tricks thinking I'm still blind I'm playing along to her to these juicy points. There is no submission in this fuck. I promise you that one this. I'ma boss, forever a boss and I don't need your approval especially not when you want to make me your subordinate, fuck you for that! This is an closed cc message to those who can relate because this is not about me. I'm not the only only going through this nor am I the only one to have gone through this, it takes a lot to come back look you in the eyes and conquer my own emotions knowing that you messed me over but the psychopath in me needs to come alive and psychopaths don't have those funny feelings, very calculating they are. Best enjoy your time now and continue believe that he will do nothing. Calling bluffs on bluffs ..... Haha...

Press it up!
Yours truly WayMaker!



Supreme love and light

Current constellation positions

Waning Cresent Scorpio
Mercury in Sagittarius
Venus in Scorpio

Neptune in Pisces

Jupiter, Pluto & Saturn in Capricorn

Mars in Aries ♈

Uranus in Taurus

Bless up!

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