The raven is described as an unclean bird (Lev 11:15), therefore, it cannot be eaten, it’s not beautiful, it does not have a good voice, it’s greedy, it’s despised, because it’s so cheap thereby not acceptable, not a particularly obedient or dependable bird, in Genesis chapter 8 verse 7, it was going to and fro instead of returning back to the ark for rest or safety.
You may fit into all or some of these characteristics; people despise you for your lack of beauty, brain, bucks and talents. Or because you are considered a deviant person, maybe a homosexual, lesbian, drug addict or a molester of children and parents. I have good news for you, the God of the Ravens cares for you.
“He giveth to the beast his food, and to the going ravens which cry”. (Ps. 147:9)
“Consider the ravens for they neither sow nor reap, which neither have store house, no barn and God feedeth them; how much more are ye better than the fowls. (Luke 12:24)
You are more valuable than ravens. Jesus said in Luke 12:6 said:
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthing, (less than a penny) are not one of them is forgotten before God”.
If God cares about what happens to the ravens, and sparrows, He cares much more about, what’s going on in your life. He is able to protect and feed you unto the end of times. Scientists tell us that from a pound of flesh are chemical constituents that can cost as much as 159 million US Dollar, if God cares for ravens which is not up to a penny then He is definitely thinking of you.
“For I know the thoughts I have for you, says the LORD, thoughts not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future” (paraphrased) (Jer. 29:11).

God does not only care for the ravens, He is concern about them.
“He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry” (Ps. 147:9)
“For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched (Pained, atoned, distressed, disturbed, deterred) with the feeling of our infirmities (maladies, afflictions, sicknesses, fear, sorrow, anxiety, shame, grief, loses etc). (Paraphrase is mine) (Heb. 4:15)
The God, who is concerned about little ravens when they cry, is the God that is able to save us from the “guttermost’ unto the uttermost; He cares for you. My experience in counseling people who felt alone in spite of the multitude around them made me know that God hears. The God who hears the faint cry of a worthless little raven will hear your cry in Jesus name (Amen).
Are you hungry, jobless, stressed, confused, and ashamed by all you have been through? The God that gives the little ravens its food, will put food on your table that you cannot buy with your money in Jesus name (Amen).
“And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. So he went and did according unto the word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook” (1Kings 17: 4-6)
From the above scripture, we saw God giving commandment to an abnormal bird, a raven to feed his servant Elijah. God is the God that uses unusual channels to supply our needs; He will meet you in an uncommon manner in your new seasons in Jesus name, Amen.
_God could use the raven; he can use anything because He is the anointed one of Israel. Men may suddenly give up on you but God has not. I pray that as you finish this book, that God of the raven, the God of the supernatural, uncommon, unusual, unlikely, unexpected, unbelievable, unimaginable resources, reach you beyond your highest hope, prayers, fasting, imagination and expectation in Jesus name. May this same GOD send RAVENS your way. Amen.
Images Credited to Google.com.
If you're a deviant person, a homosexual or lesbian, a drug addict etc, God cares for you tobthe point of sending his son Jesus Christ to die for you. You don't need to continue in such lifestyle, God us calling you. Yes, he's providing for us all especially those he's called by name, his first provision to that are yet to embrace him is salvation. If you can trust him enough to give him your life, he will never leave you stranded in life
Excelente palabra, Dios te siga usando!
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"it was going to and fro instead of returning back to the ark for rest or safety" That's one way of looking at it. I understand it went to and fro because its mate was on the ark and being an unclean bird only one pair of them was on board, as opposed to 7 doves. The bird left a short distance to obey Noah but returned back quickly to check up on his mate in the ark then want back out again. When Noah sent a dove it just went straight out.