How to do 1 muharrom 1440 H Indonesian people

in #rasul7 years ago


Photo: Charolin Pebrianti
Ponorogo - Ponorogo residents hold a tradition of larung sesaji. This tradition is an annual tradition that has been carried out from generation to generation.
The event begins with parading gunungan offerings containing snacks, traditional food and fruits. Gunungan offerings are paraded by the residents of Ngebel Village / District, from the local village multipurpose building and around the Ngebel Lake. In the lake, gunungan offerings or what is commonly called buceng will be put on fire.
The most striking in the buceng is the shape of a dragon as a symbol of the Ngebel Lake. The story of the Naga Baru Klinting which became the beginning of the occurrence of the Ngebel Lake.
In total there are 10 bucengs that are paraded around the lake, 2 large cans and 8 small cans. 2 Big Buceng one of them was put on fire and the other one was made to be made fun of or distributed to the residents along with 8 small boxes.
Before departing, residents held a prayer together hoping that there would be blessings from the activities held. The procession was started from the buceng bearers. Arriving at the dock, reog dancers, gambyong dancers also displayed their expertise. Furthermore, offerings were transported using a canoe accompanied by other small boats containing local residents and elders.
Also read: Keren, 25 Tumpeng Paraded at the Grebeg Suro Festival in Banyuwangi
Ponorogo Regent Ipong Muchlissoni said the activity had become a tradition of local residents and would remain sacred to the next derivative. Residents believe that by carrying out these activities, Ngebel Village will be free from all forms of danger.
"This form of community tradition that continues to be guarded for the sake of our grandchildren later as a precursor to the existence of Ngebel lake," said Ipong in his speech, Tuesday (09/11/2018).
Ipong explained that the tradition of larung sesaji has existed since time immemorial as a form of respect and gratitude for God's grace. Buceng also contains various kinds of food, ranging from traditional snacks, fruits, vegetables and others. Deliberately this year, we have a buceng shape with a picture of a dragon as a symbol of Ngebel lake, "he said.
According to him, this larung process as a symbol of dissolving things that are not good. At the same time hope that in the future it can be a better person. "This is also a symbol of greeting or recalling the mbaurekso (watchman, red) here," he explained.
After the offerings were carried out, hundreds of people who took part in the process of fighting immediately stormed the buceng which had been released in the middle of the sea. Not forgetting that the other 9 bucengs did not escape the invasion of the community. They hope that getting a portion of buceng can be a blessing. (fat / fat)