PEPE HEPBURN - Rare Pepe card
Rare Pepe of the day for July 21, 2017, is PEPEHEPBURN.
PEPEHEPBURN is Rare Pepe card issued in series 13.
There are only 100 PEPEHEPBURN cards. Current price of PEPEHEPBURN is 15.0 XCP ($155.63). Market Cap is $15,563.10.
Today price of PEPECASH is $0.014354 (21.81%).
I started with Pepe cards presentation series on a daily base. At the end of the week I will randomly choose one voter for a small prize of 2000 PEPECASH or one rare PEPE card.
If you want to participate in the game please add your XCP address in comment.
I'm currently on vacation. I will distribute the prizes when I return.
nice post and photos
great post
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