Screw "Happy Holidays". I'm going to wish you a Merry F'ing Christmas, and you are going to like it! =)

in #rant8 years ago (edited)

I was in Hobby Lobby last night doing some last minute shopping, and as the person in front of me was getting ready to leave, the cashier wished them a Merry Christmas. The person turned around, looked the cashier in the eyes, and in the most pissed off tone I had heard in long a while - said "Happy Holidays", and stormed off.

For those of you who don't know, there is a war going on. It is a war between wishing someone a "Happy Holidays" vs. wishing them a "Merry Christmas". Apparently, wishing somebody a "Merry Christmas" these days is considered extremely offensive! You are only allowed to say "Happy Holidays", or you might offend someone.

I get it. Not everybody is Christian. Not everybody celebrates Christmas. Some people even hate everything the holiday stands for. But is it really that big of a deal for someone to wish you a Merry Christmas? Even if you completely hate the holiday, has someone really done you harm by wishing you a merry one?

The person saying it is not coming from a bad place. They do not mean you any harm. They basically see the season as one of love and cheer, and are offering to send some of that happiness your way.

Maybe you don't like when people say it, but if that is the case - can you just ignore it? Why get pissed off at someone just for saying it?

I have several friends in India, and they celebrate Diwali every year - the Hindu festival of lights. It is a very big holiday over there, and it sounds like a lot of fun. Every year when that time of year comes around, they wish me a Happy Diwali. I always wish the same to them.

Does wishing them a Happy Diwali mean that I all of a sudden now believe in the Hindu religion? Have I abandoned my Christian/Buddhist faith? Are they all of a sudden going to stop being a Hindu when I wish them a Merry Christmas later that year?

No. It is harmless. They have their religions believes, and I have mine. Whether we personally celebrate the holidays as part of their religious faith is irrelevant. We are just offering to share some of our joy and happiness with each other as we celebrate our individual holidays.

So if hearing "Merry Christmas" offends you, then that is just too darn bad. I still hope you have a Merry one. And if you celebrate Hanukkah - have a happy one of those too. Whatever holiday you celebrate - I hope you have a great one. And have a Happy New Year too!


LOL - yes. Nailed it! :)

How dare you @timcliff! I'm tempted to flag this post for abuse!

I don't think anyone really is offended. Most people couldn't care less.

Merry Christmas.

You're not the Messiah, you're just a very naughty boy!

Hehe, thanks. You too :)

You can wish me a Merry or Happy anything. I'm good with it. :) Now Merry F'ing Christmas to you both. :)

:) same to you!

I wonder if the person in front of you realized that Hobby Lobby is a private company that is owned by an outspoken Christian CEO. They aren't even open on Sundays. No surprise that they would wish you Merry Christmas.

Yeah, I thought the same thing. If you shop at a 'Christian' store, you should kind of expect it. =)

Over here in Europe, the North American use of the word Holiday for Christmas is a bit confusing. Christmas remains in vogue to describe the events celebrated around the nativity celebration, though Santa Claus seems to have taken center stage in recent years.

For most people in Europe, the word holiday signifies what an American would call a vacation. Actually, as an atheist it really does not matter to me what terms is used, I remain grateful for any gifts I might receive.

Thanks, you too! :)

Well, I would say safer to just wish a "Happy Holidays" yet like you I really don't care either way, I just hate the fact than inside 2 weeks you say "Happy Thanksgiving", then the very next month "Merry Christmas" and just a short week later it "Happy New Years" way to many holidays and I just plain get sick of hearing them all named. Therefore I choose to simply say "Happy Holidays" then no longer have to deal with all those different statements or the confusion that comes from them all being so close together.

True. If you say happy holidays, I promise not to be offended ;)

Thats totally fine with me if people say Merry Christmas, and Happy New Years, a few years ago working customer service on 12/26 I said to the customer Merry Christmas and got Sh*t for it, since then I realized it was just much easier to go the other way. Well, Either way I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Another casualty of the Merry Christmas war, hehe ;)

Merry Christmas to you too :)

Happy baby-Jesus'-birthday, Tim :)

:) thanks, you too.

If I could have more than one vote per post, you would have many for this my friend!
It is the celebration of the mas (birth) of Christ (Yeshua) - PC botherers are surplus to requirements. I acknowledge, as you do, the rites and traditions of many faiths. The fact that Jesus (Yeshua) was probably born in September is purely inconvenience so they celebrated it at the Winter Solstice to coincide with all the other festivals so that traffic would be awful and hotel rooms as rare as hen's teeth.
As they say, no room at the Inn, sling your hook!