Ranting on about dating sites (from a males perspective)

in #rant7 years ago


What is it with these women on dating site? They seem to have this profile picture that is very attractive and then when you send them a message or they send you a message you find out that they want to try to get you to go off on another website that you have to pay to register for. I mean they don't really want to date you. It's like they just want to lure you to pay for some other dating site so that they can get some money through affiliate marketing. Once you pay the money you don't even get to date the girl or hear from them again wtf?

Then there are the women who post things like I am not interested in friends with benefits. Really? they expect me to believe that? of course they are looking for friend with benefits because if they were not looking for friends with benefits why would they be on the site in the first place? they want the benefit of having a friend who will give them what they want be it money, power, or just a side guy to give them the kind of attention that they want. What are they really looking for? a sucker? I know that they are talking about sexual benefits but benefit are not only sexual you know. From a males perspective that has sexual desires and needs I am not looking to just meet up with a girl to look at and tell her how pretty she is and give her my money and time without the possibility of having sexual intimacy. Even If I was asexual that would not be ok with me. She better give me some money and attention too. If I am going to do for a woman there has to be some reciprocity or else that is just not going to fly. I am not saying that if I do date a woman on that site that I am even going to have sex with her at all. I am saying that it would sure be nice to explore our sexuality together but not if I find out that she has a disease or is married or something. Having friends without benefits is like having a car and not being able to drive it.

Then there are those women that you do go out with on a date and they try to trap you into being a dad to their child. I have nothing against men that want to take on that role more power to you. Personally, I am not into that at this time in my life and I let them know and they still try to do it. The messed up thing is when they try to coherence you into something that you just don't want to do.

Then there are those women that post a profile picture of them like 10 years ago when they were all pretty and cute. After you go out to date her you find out that she looks nothing like the profile picture at all. I am not going to go into detail about this because I am sure that you can imagine what that is like.

Sometimes, as I am on these dating site I really feel like the cowboy that got poop on his mustache because he was looking for love in all the wrong places smh.