Different puppets, same stupid game

in #rant6 years ago (edited)
The news are unbearable, honestly, who today watches the news and walks away feeling empowered, ready to tackle the world? If someone was to tell me that, I would probably doubt the state of their mental health. I say all that and I can't help myself, I have the almost uncontrollable desire to know what is going on in the world, to know if we are effectively repeating history in the name of "freedom and justice".

The pendulum swings

An absolutely no one who has been paying attention is surprised. The Governments pretend to act in the name of the people they represent yet I see nothing that comes even close to such thing. It's almost as if most of the people alive today have forgotten what transpired just a decade ago, as if those were extremely distant events.

How does this play out? I mean, can someone please give me the best possible scenario, because I'm failing to see the silver lining on this one. We are virtually adding catalysts to the most volatile situation of our generation in the name of what? Peace? We can't be that naive, I'm sorry, we simply can't.

The fulfilling prophecies they say

And I for one I'm not convinced in the slightest. The same people who pretend to be men of God are the ones who are technicalities away from being the fingers that pull the triggers. So yeah, I'm sorry, I'm not convinced in the slightest.

In the name of "peace" two pastors went to Israel to "inspire". Well, who are these pastors, these men of God that are on a mission of love and compassion?

Pastor Robert Jeffress famously said - "You can't be saved by being a Jew"

I mean, and I wrong here? This is the man our administration chose to travel to Jerusalem and pray for the people of Israel? Why? This makes absolutely no sense to me, its almost as if we are taunting everyone with this 3D Chess that looks more and more like drunken parkour.

Lets make some predictions

But not because we have any powers, or have been enlightened, we can make these simply by observing history, remaining objective and realistic. Many more will die in the name of the religious claims, there will be those who will feel anguish, anger and outrage at a government that sees people as pieces of a game, and there will be those who will attempt to dehumanize those who die and claim the moral high ground.

I must clarify that I say these thing as someone who does not oppose the existence of Israel by dehumanizing them as well, quite the opposite. I'm simply angry at the fabricated consensus that gets shoved down our throats, programmed into the brains of our population. I mean, think about this for a second, strip yourself from anything not pragmatic, and rationalize this ridiculous idea.

"Mission acomplished... we moved the embassy, this is a win for the people of ________"

Win for who?? Who's life was changed? improved? For Heavens sake.... Sorry to be the downer, If you visit this blog often you know this is not usually what I write about, but it's hard to ignore... I can't just dehumanize these victims and chuck it up to statistics...



Same shit, same bullshit