Apple angers me so much...

in #rant6 years ago (edited)
I'm sure to anger a few apple purists with my opinion, but honestly apple is infuriating to me. Not because their stuff does not work, of course it does the job and it does it well, but because they are designed to painfully expire leaving you with something that no adapter could ever put back into rotation.

On the one hand I have to admit that Steve Jobs was a visionary, he understood how to get people to buy into his idea. If his motivations were good or bad, that's a discussion that we could have with not clear answer in sight. However, the way the company has been operating ever since I got my first apple product has been shifting, and the direction keeps on pushing people like me away.

Dumb it down

That's the way I see it honestly, make sure nothing about how anything works is revealed, so that if there is any issues you can't figure it out at all. In the idea of making this very simple, they also end up hiding things from the users that in my opinion are counterproductive.

A clear example, a CD is stuck in your old mac, it won't boot, you want to eject the cd but there is no eject button on the CD-R. How do you do this? Can you do this? - You dig in some forums, find some people who have enough gray hairs due to years of dealing with Apple and it's "simplicity", and they will tell you.

"just hold down the mouse button after you heard the chime"

OF COURSE!!! Why didn't I think of that? that's exactly how intuition works. It's like that one time I was trying to replace a flat tire and I forgot to shut down the radio of my car. I had to put it on NPR first (of course), then shut it down and wait for the chime sound before removing the last lug.

OS won't load, computer is too old

That is also major BS, because the reason for this has nothing to do with the hardware itself. I know enough about computers and code to say that this is 100% by design. Meaning there is an option on the installers that detects if the computer is "too old" based on what they find appropriate and blocks the installation. It's not about the RAM, processing power or anything of the sort I can assure you that.

Im a day away from going full Linux on it

Give me some recommendations. What should I slap on this puppy? If I can't make this take Snow Leopard or Lion in the next few hours I will give up on Mac Os completely and possibly go with a Debian Distro or something.

I wonder if Apple knows how much some of us hate them at times. I wonder...

Other posts by yours truly
• Dancing with a Bear - Thoughts on Steem's Future
• Helpienaut Meeting 6/25/2018
• Posts by Author - A tool I absolutely love
• Time to Dolphin up! - Selling right now is quite stupid
• Escape Goats and Other Mythical Creatures - Code is Law


I hear ya. I'm fairly OS agnostic myself, I just use the tool most suitable for the job at hand. I do find myself gravitating towards Linux more and more though. I have played with Mint and the other 3 million Debian based distros but usually I just end up with plain old vanilla Debian when left to my own devices.

I got mint up and running... its a beaut!

I have a love hate relationship with Apple as well. Their blatant planned obsolescence is beyond frustrating and outrageous.
And the fact that they don’t pay any tax in Australia despite being one of the highest earning corporations is just excruciatingly frustrating in it’s obvious disparity.
I do love their products, but once you start with them you get deliberately locked in with them.

lol, similar situation a 2 years ago. sorry but no more apple for me. Now Ryzen 16 threads 32gb ram, nvidia 1060 6g, amazing case for 950€.... apple never more. 😎

At this point I'm considering installing Mint Linux and forgetting about Mac OS all together.

arch & mint the best options for me at this moment ;).... as Morpheo said... welcome to the real world, hehe

I have linux mint and it runs awesomely. I highly recommend

I have linux mint
And it runs awesomely. I
Highly recommend

                 - alex-icey

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Ever seen the brilliant videos of Louis Rossmann? He services all kinds of computers, phones, laptops etc. Watch a few of his videos: he knows what you're talking about and experiences it every day. Here's a good one:

I would recommend one of the many versions Linux to anyone who's just getting started with computers; I have a Linux server running for my personal video-library and as a download center and network-drive. But that has taken me so much effort, and I don't even know if I would be able to solve any problems if they would arise; the big pro of this OS is that it never ever breaks down, I installed it three years ago and it's been running (24 hours a day) effortlessly since then.

But... if you are a Windows user like me for almost all your life, the transition can be tricky; Linux has a fundamentally different way of looking at drives and other hardware. Everything in Linux is a simple text file which makes it super flexible and adjustable, but also makes it difficult to use for dumbed-down Windows users like myself. I hate Windows and Apple equally because they both are setting up their OS's to be walled gardens that are impossible for end-users to service or maintain.

It's a difficult one. Linux should be the way to go for all freedom loving beings, but as always, that freedom comes with great responsibility as you will be responsible for your own security if you choose to not be bothered with Microsoft's deliberate back-doors that give free passage to all forms of viruses and spam...

that video said everything i have ever thought about perfectly!

Honestly bring me devices with universal adaptors and compatibility, kee the fancyness.

is hedac an apple guy? i doubt it

All the servers he uses are Linux. We have always used PCs. Our phones are not apple either. I rarely see someone having iphones here

hedac is true ninja

Nop, same reason ;)

hah I feel your pain, buddy. But I also understand why Apple does what they do. It is usually because both options will have people yell at them, but one will have less people yell at them so they pick that one. For example: As to the OS updates. Well, yes, there is code to detect is the machine is too old and so the OS is disabled. This is obvious and Apple themselves admit it. But this is because if you try to run it on the old hardware it will be so painfully slow people will whine and complain. I ran a computer business for years, and you wouldn't believe the calls I would get. It was relatively common after windows 95 came out, for example, for people still running 386 computers to try to install it, fail, force it on, find it was unusably slow, and yell at me about it demanding money back, demanding I somehow magically make it work, demanding I deliver Bill Gate's head to them, etc. It was tiring.

But anyway, I was on Linux for many years on my personal computers. I use Apple these days just because I have no time to troubleshoot when problems arise, but I love Linux and can't recommend it enough. I always built it myself using Gentoo, but these days the easiest one may be Ubuntu. You can get a boot image from their website and run it without installing it just to see what you think.

I've been using Mac for a good few years now but then took the shift to Windows and now I type this on Ubuntu. I still have my iMac for photo editing and my PC for running Virtual Machines but my Ubuntu laptop is my go to machine for general use.

I imagine I'll migrate fully as and when I discover alternative software and become more competent in using it.

ive been running mint linux on this one since yesterday, so far its running beautifully...

Macs were good. Those days are gone.
I feel similarly about Google.

I think Harvey Dent said it best, 'You either die a hero (myspace) or live long enough to become the villian (facebook)'. ;p

hahahaha I like that, Harvey Dent said that? hahahah

Sorry dear friend.

I'm not using mac, so I don't know much about it, but you can reach out to the manual and see if it can help....

Hahaha. It would be even funnier if it were so painfully expensive. I can see what you are saying and i think they know they are hated by that secrecy with which they have embedded their products. I guess they targeted an audience that would be willing to spend a lot of money on product that may rather be replaced (bought new) than repaired or upgraded.
It is frustrating. I remember people telling me in 2003 that once you went mac you'd never go back (to PC or whatever competition was out there). i think that like you, many people are looking for less expensive and less frustrating option, which honestly may do the work equally effectively.

Well, I would not buy one with someone else's credit card to be honest! hahahah

That's pretty funny and reminds me of the time some guy stole my mom's credit card number and used it to try to buy an iPhone 7.. I was like, he could have at least bought a good phone. lol

hahahahah good one!