EurekAlert! - Technology, Engineering and Computer Science

in #randomfeed7 years ago

Toward a secure electrical grid

(University of California - Santa Barbara) Professor João Hespanha suggests a way to protect autonomous grids from potentially crippling GPS spoofing attacks.

FRIB accelerates first beams in three of forty-six superconducting cryomodules

(Michigan State University Facility for Rare Isotope Beams) On 11-12 July, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams achieved a major project milestone by accelerating its first beams in three of forty-six superconducting cryomodules. This demonstrates for the first time that the major systems (front end, liquid helium plant, superconducting cryomodules) which were commissioned individually, work well together and can successfully accelerate beams of atomic particles.

Princeton-UPenn research team finds physics treasure hidden in a wallpaper pattern

(Princeton University) An international team of scientists has discovered a new, exotic form of insulating material with a metallic surface that could enable more efficient electronics or even quantum computing. The researchers developed a new method for analyzing existing chemical compounds that relies on the mathematical properties like symmetry that govern the repeating patterns seen in everyday wallpaper.

Traveling to the sun: Why won't Parker Solar Probe melt?

(NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) This summer, NASA's Parker Solar Probe will launch to travel closer to the Sun, deeper into the solar atmosphere, than any mission before it. Cutting-edge technology and engineering will help it beat the heat.

Ready player one: video games and the Navy future force

(Office of Naval Research) Can computer games help U.S. Navy recruits find military jobs they'll enjoy and turn into long-term careers? To find out, the Office of Naval Research is sponsoring Navy Life, an online platform of Navy-themed games and simulations.

Department of Energy invests $64 million in advanced nuclear technology

(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced nearly $64 million in awards for advanced nuclear energy technology to DOE national laboratories, industry, and 39 U.S. universities in 29 states. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has been awarded $800,000 for analysis of nuclear power plants' accident propagation and mitigation processes.

Disney Animation to premiere first VR short at SIGGRAPH 2018

(Association for Computing Machinery) Walt Disney Animation Studios will debut its first ever virtual reality short film at SIGGRAPH 2018, and the hope is viewers will walk away feeling connected to the characters as equally as they will with the VR technology involved in making the film.

New malicious email detection method that outperforms 60 antivirus engines -- Ben-Gurion

(American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) They compared their detection model to 60 industry-leading antivirus engines as well as previous research, and found their system outperformed the next best antivirus engine by 13 percent -- significantly better than such products including Kaspersky, MacAfee and Avast.

New instruments push boundaries for precise measurements in jet engines, gas turbines

(Purdue University) A Purdue University-affiliated startup is developing instruments to precisely measure pressure, temperature and other analytics inside the harsh environments of rocket engines and gas turbines.Petal Solutions LLC 's expertise in computational fluid dynamics has allowed the researchers to push the boundaries in cooling and design probe technologies. The researchers decided to design their own instruments to mount in engines to track engine performance because they couldn't find anything adequate on the market.

A.I.-equipped robots develop situational awareness in Earth's most uncertain environment

(Stevens Institute of Technology) Researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology are developing algorithms that teach robots to adapt to the constantly changing dynamics of the sea in order to address one of our nation's greatest concerns: protecting and preserving our aging water-rooted infrastructure, such as piers, pipelines, bridges and dams.


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