Madame Bovary Randomized

She had uncovered the hinges of footsteps made some details as if you are! how to see that blow with Monsieur Bovary gave him presently
The next room; saw in the carriages
Why, haven’t got out from her pant with an illusion, and half-closed eyes, and round his intentions to go in the mass of their house; he knew it, it long, trailed a noise above the air like a feeling that she excommunicate actors? For one uttering little prods of the mares
On one knew so much disagreement uniting at one holds back, her debut
Then she had taken up by the wooden leg
But by
“And so prodigiously the maximum, or Botocudos of hypotheses, tossed amongst the countryside a summer fetes begged him in the grisettes, who was it? Where? How?” She would have you then consulted neither as comfortable houses and Emma
At last, coming back quickly, hoping that awoke with patent leather hat reading of having heard Binet’s window that kept well
On the most suave words he went into the flowing
She who suffered in the geraniums
After he was a gay and there was heard near Christmas-time, and given her eyes, that are music-mistresses
You probably stayed there afterwards there was no longer the point of laughter; three bank-notes on
At the cinders; the farm in a single one of imbeciles you the wedding
The two, and commoner ways, and four o’clock; I had received from her to empty horizon over the boots
Good heavens! Why not belong to it moves far from an odour!” he said, “why did not change of the hill in bloom, and hunt me
Monsieur Homais was lost in the ill
As for herself, then more than a cannibal
And then, Leon out, saw on his pupil fixed, staring eyes that he was coming, and asked if Nature had her ideas; he affected a noise undressing, she cried a tender, charming with the furniture, all admire Christianity
These were pink flowers to her in the threshold; then that there, Sultans with them
She had nothing so many bandages--a pyramid at four chitterlings with cold
- The above has taken the entire text of Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert and has randomized it into 20 "sentences" using a markov text randomizer. Is it art, poetry or just random gibberish? You decide.
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